

Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
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I pretty certain i'm not actually nesting but i would say that i'm half-nesting, if that's even a thing :lol:

I have this massive urge to go clean the bathroom but i just don't have the inclination to get out the chair and do it! Same as i have the urge to clean the kitchen and the living room :lol: What i have had the inclination to do, is look for a cleaner to come and do it for me. Part of my lack of actually getting on with it is:

a) I live with two adult males, one whom doesn't even do his share of housework - bathroom is his job, we've asked him several times over the last two months and he's not done it once, and i kinda feel it shouldn't be left to the heavily pregnant woman

b) it won't stay clean, one of said males won't make the effort to keep it nice, i've done lots already

c) the bathroom is kinda hard since the shower has broken down

d) standing up and doing things makes me feel unwell

Probably a pointless post, but i wanted to get it out anyway, makes me feel less lazy for not actually having done it :lol:
lol! Bless ya! I like the phrase 'half nesting'- kinda feel like that too! Plenty of urges to clean and sort things at the mo, just not quite able to follow them all thru! I do a bit but then get tired or think 'it's goin to get dirty again anyway' (OH not the neatest/cleanest of males!) and until bubs is here I don't think the house needs to be spotless!!

Don't feel lazy hunny- you are further on than me, u have much more reason to be resting!! xx
I've pretty much sorted everything, i've been through and washed all the baby's clothes and bedding, and her room is practically finished - needs a curtain pole but she won't be going in there for awhile so not so much of a problem yet. The amount of effort one of these guys puts in was apparent when i spent the day washing everything, and when he went in the garden, he picked the washing line up and dropped all my clean washing in the mud, so i have to do it again!!

Oh believe me, i am resting :lol: I just want full on nesting, so theres a chance she'll arrive soon!
Men! I'd have forced him to re-wash everything himself! ......Fingers crossed for a full on 'nest-fest' soon!!lol xxx
I want it washed properly :lol: I've smelt his washing AFTER its been washed! My OH and i seem to understand how to do washing so that its clean and how to hang it out so it dries and doesn't go manky. His brother doesn't. Thanks, i keep getting out of bed to do things, and then i get downstairs and do nothing for hours :lol:
I was half-nesting for a while, but I'm now in full blown nesting!

I've hoovered the whole house TWICE today, cleaned the leather sofa twice, because it didn't look clean enough the first time, washed the laminate flooring in the bathroom, and even washed the car inside and out.

OK, the house looks like a show-house now, but I feel nackared and sick :(
Aww poor you! Will keep my fingers crossed that your LO arrives soon if you're nesting like that! I want to nest like that :lol: or maybe not cos i'll have to get off the sofa!
Just this week we've decided to def do a loft conversion and so both of us went a bit mad the last two days preparing and sorting all the junk and getting the structural engineer in but now I can't be arsed anymore but commited to doing it now really! Think I've gone from 'over the top' nesting to 'half' nesting!
haha, i've been designing our kitchen and looking at moving walls etc, i'd start if i had the money to do it! Good luck with the conversion!
Keep thinking we're being mad as we have 3 bedrooms but the more space you have the more stuff you put in it!
Absolutely! We have 3 bedrooms too, but we're still talking about knocking chimney breasts and kitchen walls down to make more room. I wanted at least the chimney breast done before lo arrived, but its not going to happen, OH has been too busy at work
Thank God, it's finally turned itself off and I can relax :lol:

Since last posting, I hoovered the living room again. I think my neighbour things I've got OCD or something now!
Lauren, go and sit down and relax! You'll need the energy when you go into labour!
I'm trying, but I can't sit still!

I thought I could for a few minutes, but I saw a coffee cup needing washed in the kitchen and had to go and clean it!

Not only am I getting obsessive about cleaning the house, I also want to go and have bath now too!

Oh well, can't hurt I suppose, it may even relax me... But I doubt it!

I don't know how I'll get any sleep tonight, although I feel like I could collapse with tiredness I feel like I need to keep everything 100% clean.
Go try a bath, if you have some candles, take them with you. At least that way you'll get some rest whilst you're relaxing. I find a good book, some gentle music, some candles and a nice hot bath a lovely way to chill out
I'm trying, but I can't sit still!

I thought I could for a few minutes, but I saw a coffee cup needing washed in the kitchen and had to go and clean it!

Not only am I getting obsessive about cleaning the house, I also want to go and have bath now too!

Oh well, can't hurt I suppose, it may even relax me... But I doubt it!

I don't know how I'll get any sleep tonight, although I feel like I could collapse with tiredness I feel like I need to keep everything 100% clean.

I wish u lived closer, u could come do my house work lol
I think I have the nesting urge, no "half-nesting" or "nesting", just an urge, but at least the thought is there... lol
I got in the bath, but had to get out after 5 minutes due to really bad cramps.

I thought perhaps it was labour, but they stopped the second the water was drained! Argh!

I couldn't be arsed running another bath, so I had a quick shower and got dressed again.

I don't suppose anybody knows of any good films on TV tonight ?

I'm at a loose end since my hubby is away at his father's house for tonight.

I've got nobody to nick the remote from!

EDIT - I just noticed every sentence has started with "I" :lol:
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lol thats was funny...
As for films, I downloaded (tutt tutt I know... lol) a film, Friends With Benefits the other day and we put it on this evening and found out that I'd downloaded the wrong film, it was actually a porno, hilarious... So glad I didnt invite the neighbours round to watch it with us... lol So we are now watching crappy old Dave Channel....

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