Hair Loss


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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I know this is a common issue after pregnancy but my hair is just disappearing away from me. I'm actually starting to feel down because I actually have a bald patch now :-( It's very noticeable when I pull my hair up too.

Any other hair loss suffers out there? I never experienced this issue after my first. I just want my hair back!
Mine has started falling out, started a couple of weeks ago, our LG is 3 months now. I only get time to wash my hair twice a week if I'm lucky at the most so most comes out when I wash it, usually in fairly big handfuls. One of my friends has a bald patch, I think they said it stopped falling out around the 6 month stage so I guess I got that coming. MrsS143 it's pretty normal as we don't shed hair when pregnant which is why it goes so thick.
Yes! More so last time! I had 2 small bald patches on the side of my head, hated it! Took a few months to go back to normal. This time it hasn't been so bad thankfully!x
Glad to hear I am not the only one. Mine is awful. I have curly hair that is long so it looks like even more than it is but mine comes out in huge handfuls when I brush or wash my hair. Sounds silly but I have taken to leaving it a mess if I am in and not going anywhere for the day just so I don't see it fall out. Knocked my confidence too as am paranoid about bald patches. X
Don't even mention the word hair to me... Mine is all scattered about ny house it seems :( my temples have like zero hair there now. Its alot worse this time round, my hair was amazing while pregnant as well I miss that so bad I'm super paranoid now!
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Me too. I've been so worried about it as I get handfuls everytime I touch it and washing it is depressing as big clumps come out. Been bad for about a month now (LO is 5months). Our floors are covered with my hair no matter how often I Hoover up and pillow always has hair on it in morning:( Afraid to go to hairdresser as they're always rough and who knows how much Id lose.
babbybo, I could have written this lol, mine comes out when brushing/washing etc so always wear in a pony and have to de-malt myself after each brushing/washing session lol...I get lots of stringy bits that form a clump when in qty and the hairdresser found the same, Ive also had for about a month now...apparently completely normal..luckily my hair is thick so no bald patches so far...
My bald patches are on my temples too. It's so so bad. I'm dreading my next hairdresser visit! I'll be clogging their sinks up in no time! Urgh, I want to have hair again!
My hair is very fine normally anyway but I noticed that i got a lot falling out 3 months post partum. My little one is 18 months now and a lot have grown back, I had a area on the right side of my head at the front that all fell out at the same time and it's all growing back in now- hairdresser noticed it straight away and said about my 'baby hair'!
Yep DD is 15 months now and I've had bald patches on my temples that have been growing out and look like devil horns :rofl:
It's suddenly started growing really quickly as I'm pregnant again which I'm enjoying but I know I'll be sad again after this little one arrives! Xx
I'm loosing a lot of hair, the plug hole is filled every day and is my hairbrush and the babies hands. I'm lucky I've got a lot of hair so it's not noticeable. Any ideas when it might end?
Lots of hair loss. I don't let it bother me. Hopefully it's temporary but if anyone asks I'll just tell them it's another joy of pregnancy! Lol.

Soon it'll be autumn and nobody will think twice of us wearing a hat.

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