Hair loss...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Has anyone had some hair loss since giving birth?

I discovered this morning, that I'm losing a lot of hair at the front of my scalp. I'm really worried about it, as I've been so stressed recently and ofcourse, I'm not so sure if my hormones are in balance since having Oscar. I naturally have very thick hair, but I'm noticing that it's thinning like crazy... HELP!!! :shock: :cry:

Just looking for reassurance if anyone has had the same experience! :roll:

Emilia xx
Hiya emilia

It's very normal, there a few threads with people moaning about it hehe. I've lost loads :? It's a hormone thing.
I'm going to buy a wig - as well as thinning, mines going grey :cry:
I posted a topic on this last week hun, mine is falling out by the handful, i havent actually notice patches or anything, but it is evrywhere!
I was assured it was very normal. xxxxxx
I'm losing hair all over the place. And as I am the sort of person that hates finding lost hair it's seriously freaking me out!!
me too, hairs all over the place! i guess it's normal, but i expected it to start sooner after the birth and thought i had got away with it.... not so!
Phew... thanks girls!!!
Glad it's not just me - sorry, must have overlooked the other threads!

Emilia xx

Mentioned it to my doc the other day when Kiara had her shots done he said myhair looks fuller and i laughed and said ha ya right i wish its falling out...... he then replied was it more then 100 strands at a time lol like i would sit and count them?
Basically he then said if its more then a hundred he will look into it if not then not to worry.
luckily i went to he hairdressers when zoe was about a month old and she asked if my hair was coming out. i asked why and she told me about the hormone thing... she said women who dont know about it can get a big fright. poor emilia!

anyway she gave me one of those shampoos for older women to stop hair loss lol, and even despite this i'm leading a battle against my hair. this morning round1 was won by my hair when i found a big long one in my hot chocolate (beurk!!)

you can get treatments (like capsules and things) to help ladies. they are supposed to slow the hair loss and ensure that the hair is well nourished and all
So hair loss is normal then? i was getting rather worried the other night when i was showering and my hair was coming out in little clumps thought id end up going bold am so paranoid about that :roll:
me too, I mentioned in another thread that I had to go out and buy a plunger and plug hole unblocker because my shower was blocked full of hairs. It comes out in clumps sometimes and it is quite worrying!
mine is still falling out at the buckets fall i am surprised i still have hair i aint joking lol
its ment to be at one year PP it ment to stop so HV and hair dresser say 4 months left hehe
Hey hun...

Me too, and I have a LOT of hair, the hairdresser hates it when I want a blow dry, she actually tries to get someone else to do me when I come in!

Mine has been falling out in handfuls since Naomi was born. No bald patches yet! Apparently you normally lose between 80 and 100 hairs a day anyway. While you're pregnant, you often don't lose as much due to all those hormones making you bloom. Then when you give birth, stress, tiredness and loss of hormones makes it all fall out at once!

Don't worry. I'll photograph my bald patch when it appears and we can practise comb-overs together!

Tiny Sue said:
Don't worry. I'll photograph my bald patch when it appears and we can practise comb-overs together!


LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Emilia xx

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