Had scan today!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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Hi all,

i have got my 12 week scan 2moro and although i was originally really really worried, i heard my babies heartbeat on my doppler last night so hopefully that is a good sign. depending on the date they give me at the scan i will also be moving on to trimester 2 soon and just wanted to say thankyou for all your advice, support and laughs. hopefully i will be seeing you all soon!!

thanks xxxxxxxxxxxxx :)

Hi just lettin you all know all went fine and i have a pic but cant load it on to my computer as i cant find data cable to my phone and bluetooth thingy aint workin. OH goin have a good look for it 2moro!!
Good luck with the scan - make sure you post the piccy!

:D Glad you heard baby's heartbeat last night did it help what i said?

Im sure everything will be just fine i have my scan tomorrow also at 1.20pm so like you i guess it will be time to move on afterwards....

Good luck tomorrow and look forward to your scan pic x
Thanks all, Good Luck as well Paula and yeah your advice really helped i also found that i was moving doppler around to quickly, oh moved it millimetre by millimetre and could hear it very faintly and then i sneezed and it became louder so i must of shaken him/her lol. will TRY n post pic as soon as i can 2moro my appointmnet is at 8.45am. we will be moving together then in a few days, paula. xxxx
Great so pleased i could help you out, know what a worry it must have been when you try to find the heartbeat and then you can't worrys you rotten! :hug:

So you first then look forward to seeing your piccy tomorrow and will post mine up when i get back too, and look forward to taking the big steps to the 2nd trimester together :cheer: x
Hi all went for my sca this morning and all is fine, cant get pic on cus dont know how to get it off my phone and on to computer. OH is goin have a go at it later. xxx

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