Had my scan!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Hi girls, had my 12 week scan today and all was great. My little one was jumping all around! :D :D Im abit confused about my dates tho as my period calculates me as being 11+2 today but scan said 12 weeks and they went with the scan dates for my due date. Do you think the scans more right?


Well I think it depends on you personally and your periods. For example midwifes calculate when a baby is due by your last period and a typical 28 day period and I think a scan also goes by this. My midwife and placed me further behind on my dates because of this theory however I have a 24 day period which lasts about 4 days which means I ovulate more than some women ect. I'm sticking with my dates and I suggest you do the same. I doubled checked mine with the bbc pregnancy calculator. Go to www.wabbadabba.com and search for pregnancy calender. It's a pretty good one as it goes by your lmp and how many days you persoanlly go between periods. Hope that helps
Congrats hon :clap:
Baby is growing well and dancing brilliant you must be so pleased :dance:
You postin pics of your little one
Lol Sarah :wave:
Awww thats wonderful that everything went well!! CONGRATULATIONS! :clap:
Congrats, are you gunna post us some pics to see your lil one xxx
katie05 said:
Hi girls, had my 12 week scan today and all was great. My little one was jumping all around! :D :D Im abit confused about my dates tho as my period calculates me as being 11+2 today but scan said 12 weeks and they went with the scan dates for my due date. Do you think the scans more right?


Sounds fab! You may have ovulated earlier then you thought? I know that universally all babies grow at the same rate in the first 12 weeks, thats why they have a dating scan in case we have got our dates wrong. If you know when you ovulated though, your dates are probably right. Post a pic if you can!

The scan date is the most accurate as its based on measurements of the baby, the growth rate is so rapid in those early days that they can literally date you within a couple of days. Even if you know when you ovulated the egg could have implanted a little earlier than expected making you a little further on than you thought.

Its all a bit of a gamble anyway, baby will come when its ready!
Awwww how lovely, glad all went really well :cheer: :hug: :cheer:
The 12wk scan is the most accurate, as nearly all LO's are at the same growth stage at 12wks, so most accurate time to date correctly, any other dates suggested at other scans are discounted over the 12wk, usually, but obviously if you know when you OV ect you're more accurate hehe.

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