Had my docs appointment......waste of time really!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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Well I went to see the doc last night because it's standard proceedure at my practice and all he did was say congratulations, gave me a prescrition for folic acid and told me make an appointment with the midwife on the way out!!!

what a waste of a doctors time that is!

I asked him if he was going to do a test and he said there's no point because the ones in the chemist are just as accurate as theirs.

I could have taken up an appointment that was needed by someone else. Why didn't the receptionist just tell me to make an appointment with the midwife to save mine and the doctors time???? Grrr.....

On the upside though...... I got my first MW appointment on 12th March.... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
i had my doctors appt yesterday as well

last time a was pregnant i was told 'think the worst and hopefully everything will be alright', which i know is true but wasnt what i was expecting! and it was a little bit of wasting the doctors time, i didnt get a test either like u, i think its just a standard thing they have a protocol

the doctor i saw this time was so lovely! she had had a m/c so i think she was sympathetic, i couldnt stop crying and shes sending me for an early scan. im not going to go to the midwife until after the scan this time as iv had all the blood tests etc and dont want to get 'too involved' until i feel things are more likel;y to be successful

do u have any symptoms? i just feel normal...whereas i didnt last time

once uv seen the midwife u will feel more excited as it more personal and feel like its really happening, so thats really good u r all booked- mine tried the doppler before as well so hopefully that will be more fun xxx
she also said im due oct 25th, tho i still think i might be later as i have such long cycles xxx

I had my doctors appointment yesterday too - she asked me a few questions, told me my edd and it is now 27th October!!! gone back a few days! and she took my blood pressure. I didnt make an appointment with the midwife, at my practice they contact you in a few weeks etc so I had better hear from them!!


My docs told me to book in with the midwife at approx 8 weeks and not to bother with a doctors appointment. I now have my appointment on the 13th March which seems such a long time to wait!! I have long cycles too so I don't know if I will be 8 weeks or 10 weeks by then but I am hoping they will send me for a scan quite quickly so it can be worked out properly. I am soooooo impatient :D
Yeah same here, last time i was pregnant the doctor just said 'congratulations' prescribed Folic Acid (which i didnt even open as MC day later) so might as well use that, and told me to go to reception to make an appointment to see the midwife.

this time i think i might just ring up actually and see if they can book midwife instead of me trailing over to docs!
That happened to me too (although I did get tested) she just said "take folic acid) :| In all fairness though, I had to tell reception after the appt that I was pregnant and they got the MW to call me for my first appt so it might be a "checking in pregnancy" thing?!

Hmmm! xx
Yeah mine was like that too Chrissy, it is frustrating to take up a sick person's appointment! Not long to go for your booking in appointment :D :cheer:
It sounds pretty standard, it does seem like a non event though :(

It's just protocol I guess. Mine just took my blood pressure so that they knew what was normal for me at the beginning of the pregnancy and then I was told to book in with the midwife any time from 8 weeks onwards.

As others have said, when you see the midwife for the first time it makes things more real and exciting.

It's such early days I guess there's not a lot for the Docs to do really.

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