Well I went to see the doc last night because it's standard proceedure at my practice and all he did was say congratulations, gave me a prescrition for folic acid and told me make an appointment with the midwife on the way out!!!
what a waste of a doctors time that is!
I asked him if he was going to do a test and he said there's no point because the ones in the chemist are just as accurate as theirs.
I could have taken up an appointment that was needed by someone else. Why didn't the receptionist just tell me to make an appointment with the midwife to save mine and the doctors time???? Grrr.....
On the upside though...... I got my first MW appointment on 12th March....

what a waste of a doctors time that is!
I asked him if he was going to do a test and he said there's no point because the ones in the chemist are just as accurate as theirs.
I could have taken up an appointment that was needed by someone else. Why didn't the receptionist just tell me to make an appointment with the midwife to save mine and the doctors time???? Grrr.....
On the upside though...... I got my first MW appointment on 12th March....