Had my 28 wk and..


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2006
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I had my 28 wk check up today (at 29 cos I just changed docs), and also saw the new midwife at my new doctors. I want my old one back :shock:

The new one is a right bitch, one of those women who have a very lovely presence becasue they know how to be all nice and sociable, a real girly type who fits in well with a group of women, but is a right bitch underneath. I can tell that type a mile off.

Plus another woman was there who i saw at my old doctors when my midwife was sick and this woman got everything wrong. I hope i won't see her again, and I just pray that my old midwife or someone nice on the team will be there when I actually give birth..
Oh dear...sorry you didnt have a nice time!! :(
sorry you didnt have a nice time hun, hope its better next time
Well it's OK. I can ignore it if I have to. Baby was good and played up by moving around while she tried to measure me and listen to heartbeat, then got into a funny position when she tried to feel how it was lying (baby has always been good at antenatals etc before. :rotfl:
Haha your baby knows!

Its horrible when you don't get on with your health care team - most of the time there is no need for it either its just them having a power trip!

I hope you don't have too much trouble with her in the future!

Well me too, but I'd better just calmly let it wash over me just in case, like I did last wks shopping trip. Busy december shopping in Asda. Mum was almost hysterical and i was calm as a spring breeze, even when I had to work out my healthy start voucher at the till.

This meditation/relaxation and yoga stuff is great for pregnancy as well as labour it seems..
Hi there
Did you catch the MW's name? If so request when booking antenatels not to see her,you should be able to go on a day when one of the other one's (the nice one's) are on,there is nothing worse than having one that is like that.

I am in the profession and had a bad experience with the team yesterday,but I have to shut my mouth and bite my tongue. I had them telling me that I was measuring 2 weeks behind and making a real song and dance about it,she couldn't have been no more than 27 (just qualified) and because I work for a different district she was unaware that I was the same as her,lol. I prefer to go to my local community nurses/midwife than where I work as it is more better as most of the time :roll: you feel like a normal person and not on a busmans holiday.

Although I have info at my fingertips and most of the time in my brain,lol I am still probably the worlds worst for worry.

take care Girls
She wrote her name on my notes, but it seems that they way it works around here is that there is one team for the area, and they all work in different surgeries. There is one day per surgery for midwife contact.

This woman wasn't on my notes as part of the team before, but she didn't change the other names, and has added my old midwife in that section because she is part of the team.

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