Had midwife this morning


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2005
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I went to the midwife this morning and am chuffed. She said i am one of these really annoying 'perfect' people. I have never before in my life been called perfect so he he found it funny. My urine and BP were spot on, bump is apparently very neat and heartbeat and position of baby are close to ideal. My midwife finds it very annoying that i have no stretchmarks and my skin is so nice.

The baby is again measuring small as is the bump but she wasnt worried, she just thinks the baby will be on the dainty side! I keep telling her she has 7 weeks to catch up yet! LOL i bet she'll come out huge!

Just thought id share my 'perfectness' with you lot, LOL! I feel fat, frumpy and far from perfect but it cheered me up no end this morning! Funny how the little things affect you!

Hope you are all ok and good luck to all the imminent mums out there! Kerry- I cant beleive you are nearly there, where has the time gone!!!!
kelly that's great news!
and it's normal that words like that count to you.. these wee things are the best to cheer you up :D

also consider it lucky if she said baby is on the small side but not that small it has to be monitored, that's what i was told and obviously it's positive for pushing out

glad you and baby are healthy, take care xx
Well done you - I have 38 week check this afternoon so will keep you posted later!!
Thank you both, it is the silly things that matter isnt it! :D

Kerry let me know what they say wont you?
Hi Kelly,

Glad your appointment went really well. So what's it like being perfect then???!!! :lol: I expect you'll be relieved when the time comes to push if your bubba is small, hopefully won't hurt as much!

Nicki.x :D

My sentiments exactly, LOL!!!!

(i'm definatly not feeling perfect i feel like the size of a whale!) :lol:
All went well, baby is head down, which they weren't sure about last time and it is also 3/5 engaged which she said was quite unusual for third babies as they don't normally engage till nearer the birth!! So, all is looking good, I have had 3 friends all have little girls in the last week and I want mine now!!

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