had enough!


May 19, 2005
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who else has now reached the point where they have had enough?

i have the option to have a section as i had one with my dd but im not sure as i would like to experience birth but then im not sure if i can really wait too much longer lol

its been very quiet on here since august, so how is everyone? are we all prepared? :lol:
im getting really bored now also i cant wait but im really scared also as i keep thinking its getting closer i think i made it harder on myself by giving up work so early im a ppl person and when your at home all day i find it hard not talking to anyone (apart from myself)somedays ive been quite emotional when my oh gets home but hes been great so i guess i will just have to hold out for the last 8 weeks :D
Im hanging on in there, cant wait for baby to be born, looking forward to the birth itself. Im not finding it to hard going at the moment as my pregnancy has gone quite smoothly so far and I love feeling the baby move.
Probably okay with it at the moment as what scares me more is the looking after the baby once its born! Hoping I cope okay!

I can't beleive how quickly this time has gone. Last time I posted on here was in may and I totally forgot about the site (doh). Anyway, I have obviously remember the site now and low and behold, I have 9 weeks left!!!

Looking back the time seems to have gone quickly but at the time it goes really slow (if you know what I mean!)

I am really looking forward to our new arrival. I have the nursery sorted and the pram is coming in September. People have bought us loads of stuff and I need to sort through it all, I can't remember half of what I have. Sorting can be one of my jobs when I finish work in 4 weeks time YIPEE!

By the way, we are having a girl!

Speak soon

Lesley x :D
i have to wait until it pops out before i know what it is.. apart from a baby that is :lol:

this has gone ever so quickly for me. i havent given up work yet but i have been off sick for the last month due to my back and pelvis. i have moved on from a lovely maternity belt to a bit of tubi grip! lol im due to go back to work next week and then hopefully only have another 5 days to work then i go on annual leave for 3 weeks before my maternity leave starts.. its all going sooo quickly!

i actually have my bag packed as dd arrived at 36 weeks and i wasnt prepared at all. i just need to pack a bag for dd as she will be staying with grandma when i go in
I've had enough too - I think I'm about 33 weeks now and I'm currently off sick due to stress at work (I was planning to work up until 2 weeks before but I don't think I'd have the energy) - I feel very lonely and very tired all the time - I'm really looking forward to the baby arriving as at least it will keep me busy - I'm up all night anyway not sleeping so think baby is just getting me used to it.

How are you all coping at home all day? Do you all have friends and family nearby you can go and visit? All my friends are in the working world and my family live 2 hours away so I'm becoming very chatty with my cat (who unfortunately sleeps more than I do and isn't all that chatty back!!).
LOL Belle,
I stopped work at the earliest point I could, as some of my job was quite physical and also I hated it!
I moved in with OH a year ago in a new area and havent made any friends yet, hoping baby will help me meet new mums in the area. My mum is the nearest person to me but thats still an hour drive, and my car goes up for sale this weekend :(
I was really worried at first about what I would do with myself during the day while on maternety leave, as I will have my hands full once the baby is born, but I had visions of me getting up bout midday and just slumbing it in fromt of the TV. In reality though I have been rather enjoying being off, and its been a couple of months now nearly. I get up at 9, watch General Hospital, eat breakfast, then do something usefull about the house (this morning I washed my car) sort out bits and pieces and then spend most of my day on this site. I have taken up permanent residence in the chat room, and its amazing how much time flys, plus it keeps my brain active and Im still socially interecting with people instead of just sitting infront of the TV. Plus I do a lot of reading, so all in all its een rather relaxing and just what I need before the baby comes along!

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