Had Consultants Appointment GOOD NEWS!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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Hiya girls

well i had my consultants appointment today and for the first time i saw the boss woman instead of all the other docs that are not sure whats actually going on.

it was a brill appointment she actually recognised that they were really crap with my labour with oliver i didn't get my epidural in time they broke my waters and my contractions started instantly and the midwife didn't believe me and ollie was born within half an hour i asked for an epidural and they sent the wrong doctor apparently it was the doc for having a c section, it was the worst expiremence in the world they didn't fit a cathiter so i was peein EVERYWHERE as i had no control at all and because my contractions had started so quick i was in shock.

well anyway all that was FINALLY recognised and she has made a "plan" so it doesn't happen again

i have to go into hospital on the 13 aug and if his head is down and stays down i will be induced have my epidural and then break my waters in a controlled manner.

can't believe i have a date to see my little man i only have 3 weeks and 1 day left :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

just need to make sure his head stays down and no emergencys

sorry for long text

bobs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh that's brilliant news! My god, yeah after your last labour (which sounds horrific by the way), they definitely needed to arrange something or make some kind of plan to make you feel a bit better about it! Must have been a bit traumatic but 13th August!! Woo hoo!! :cheer:

it was a traumatic experience, they didn't believe my contractions were that quick apparently i'm not text book.

advice girls if you want something make sure you get it, if for what ever reason you don't get what you want complain and make sure your feelings are heard

not everyone is text book.

oh wow that is coming around sooo quick!!!!!!
3 weeks is just around the corner!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he is head down for you!!!
I didn't have a 'textbook' labour with my first either.

Oh wow hun, I am pleased that they are listening to you. 13th August is just around the corner too whohoo :cheer:

Glad you had a good appointment :D

Not long to go now, you must be very excited :)

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