Had a little bleed


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
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So around 10 past 8 i noticed blood down there.....bright red but only showed when i wiped but still there was plenty :shock: I burst out crying poor jay had to calm me down as i had no idea why it was happening.
I called my mum and told her and she came straight away with my dad and i rang the hospital after putting a pad on but because im only 16 weeks i have to wait it out

So my sister has come around to stay as jason works nights in a hotel and i didnt see the point in him taking time off as im not in any pain
I checked around 11ish and the bleeding has almost stopped and is only pink tinged so have been told to see GP tomorrow and ask if they can get me a scan to see whats going on in there :roll:
I have the midwife on Tuesday and im guessing i'll see her before any scan happens so hopefully she'll listen in for a HB and give me some reasurrance!

As i said i have had NO PAIN so i'm not worried as i know thats a big sign something might be going on. I'm wondering if its to do with the cyst they found at 5 weeks??
Awh hun I hope everything is ok, lots of rest! Sending :hugs: xx
Hope everything is ok Hun, I had a little bleed at ten weeks. The cyst that they found at 7 was gone so they put the bleed down to that x x
Aw hun, :hug: I know how scary that is. I had a bleed @ 18 weeks. Can you not go in to be checked out by the maternity assessment unit? Thats what I did
As Torino says can you not be checked by maternity assesment unit. Seems like things are done very differently in all parts of the country. Where i am from if you bleed at any time in pregnancy they want to check you over etc. Hope everything is ok hun xx
I had a cyst at a early scan but when I bled at 10 weeks it had gone so they put mine down to that. It could be the same but I have to say I would be phoning my maternity unit to see if they could check me out. xx
oh huni, hope ur ok. bbm me if u can.
i think our hospital is rubbish for early pregnancy issues.
have u spoken to ur docs? can they get u a scan?
i had a bleed at 15 weeks and recently a small one at 25 weeks. the last one was orangey pink discharge more than blood but the one at 15 weeks was bright red blood on wipeing a few times. stopped after an hour or so tho and all was fine after. had a couple of days off work and rested and all has been fine since. last one i got checked over in hosp and again no reason found, swabs taken etc but all ok since. baby is moving round as usual and all seems fine. the mw said its probably just one of those things and as long as there arent any major cramps it should be ok but to go back if it happens again.
I went to my GP this morning as my maternity unit wouldn't see me, they said they don't see people before 24 weeks.
My gp was lovely she checked my tum and we found Bubs HB but she wanted me to have a scan, when she phoned the hospital they refused to see me as we had found the HB!
I was a bit gutted as she couldn't explain the bleed or tell me if its likely to happen again but nothing bad to report today although my moo is very achey :shock:

So from the sounds of it baby is OK, lying very low and right in the middle :)
glad everythings ok. they wouldnt scan me or anything when i had a bleed at 15 weeks but the mw was lovely and let me come in to be checked over the next morning and found the hb n took a urine sample. this time they had me go to the delivery suite and take an overnight bag lol but after they checked me out they said all seemsd fine and sent me home. good really as id sent my OH to work and gone the hosp by myself lol
Glad you heard heartbeat and everything ok! Lots of rest hun xx
i have had bleeding throughout my pregnancy and they don't know why, its just one of those things it would seem?
buy yourself a doppler and if it happens again you can check the heartbeat with that for reassurance :)
I'm seeing the midwife today so may see if she can offer any more advice than the GP but doubt it.
It is a scary thing so may look in to buying a doppler incase it does happen again which FX lets hope it doesn't! :)

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