Had a great time this morning but injections this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Thea and I went to our first mum and baby exercise class today :) It was great! I so out of shape though! Thea makes for a heavy weight lol. It was really good the way they included the babies in the exercises as much as possible and had loads of toys for them to play with during the parts where they weren't included. I think we are going to start going twice a week now.

I also made a new friend :D We were the only two English speakers in the class so we sort of gravitated towards each other lol. She invited me to go to a playgroup with her on Thursday :)

After the class we went and had lunch together.

Good day so far!

Mind you Thea has her 4 month injections at 4.30 so that wont be so fun :(
:D that sounds really good, glad you had such a good time. good luck with the jabs this afternoon :hug:
sounds like u had fun!
i hope the injections arent so bad, last ones now til her mmr tho!!
Gud luck melanie, hope all goes well, how old r they when they have the mmr jabs?
glad you had a good time!

good luck with the jabs :hug:
sounded like you had a great time ! :cheer:

i hope theas ok after her jabs

lots of love x
That's great Mel, doesn't it make a difference to have a mate when in another country? I'm a bit down since getting back from London, I don't feel I had enough time there and didn't see all my friends. We came back to thick snow and Leorah has caught yet another bug and has a fever and is so quiet and listless, I miss my spirited madam! Also its mother and baby group tomorrow so I have to miss it which means a whole week without doing anything sociable :(

How was Thea after her jabs?
sounds ike great fun!!!

gonna have a look in my area for something like that now :)

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