Had a bad Day (little rant)


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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Not had a good day today, some reason my husband wanted to go in the loft, realy not sure why but i'm glad he did in a way.

he got do all of the baby stuff we had kept from both my boys bouncy cradle moses basket some clothes etc and they were ALL moldy, i couldn't believe it.

we had a leak in the roof it got reported and it took 12 mnths for them to come and fix it, which everything had got damp and when they came to fix it everything got covered in dust so everything was a moldy damp dusty mess.

abit heart broken to tip everything, and now we have to spend money to replace everything. :evil:

bobs xxxx
oh so sorry to hear this Bobby....

for the expenses side of things..can you claim it on house insurance? If you have accidental damage cover or any such policy that covers such things, look it up...
Not sure if we can claim especially now hubby chucked it hubby is trying to get hold of them xxx
most insurance companies dont need to come and check them..you can either take photos of them..they might not even want to see photos. If the claim is under a certain amount they wont usually ask...

My dad worked in Insurance for years :) (incase anyone thinks I have been claiming away lol)
Aww hun that's a bit of a downer :hug:
Hope you get it sorted on the insurance or at least find some lovely bargains :cheer:
Hope you get some money off the insurance hun :hug:

If not I'd check out the ebay baby clothing bundles, they are good value for money :D
Oh no hun, I hoppe that you are able to claim on your house insurance sending you hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:


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