had 34 week midwife app - ahhhhhhhhh!!!! and woo and hehe

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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I'm just back from my 34 week app with my GP.
Baby is in perfect position - head down, back to right.
Doc said she was a 'very decent size' and she is measuring 35 weeks...

She is also 3/5 engaged!! I know babies can un-engage but woah! That made me and OH sit up! Think OH has now realised that baby will arrive sometime soon! Hehe.

My bp was higher than it's been throughout the pregnancy - but still low compared to 'normal' people.

Overall it was a good appointment!
engaged already!!! baby wants to meet mummy :dance:
hehe, not until i'm 37 weeks and good to go for a homebirth! Lol. The lady in the chemist did say she thought i looked liked i'd pop any minute! hehe
Brilliant news! Baby wants to meet you soon!

Fingers crossed she hangs on in there until 37 weeks though!! :hug:
lets hope she waits til atleast 37 weeks hun!!!!
can u believe we'll be meeting our babies soon??? :cheer: :cheer:
i have my consultant appt on wednesday il text u n let u no wot my bubba is up 2! lets hope 4 normal or not too high bp!!
luv sarah. x
Brilliant news Suzie :D
glad all is well wow to baby being engaged
wonder which one of us will pop first :think:
sarah :cheer:
Great news that all is well :hug:

It's exciting yet scary to hear that your baby is engaged, isn't it?! :shock:

Hope your LO stays put for 3 weeks :pray:
woo! Great news!! I thinks its great when they engage, at least you know somethings going on. My LO only engaged about a week ago, but Beth engaged early and it was really encouraging :D
yayyyy :cheer: :cheer:

I dont see my midwife until a week thursday so i will be 35 weeeks, its al gone belly up cos of her schedule at work.

But yayyyy your baby engaging, have you been feeling it too?

YAY! I do often feel like i'm walking with a bowling ball between my legs. Lol. I did wonder if she'd moved down a bit but i wasn't expecting that! hehe

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