ha ha ha ...


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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i went to the docs today as i have been suffering with bad stabbing pains in my tummy and head aches etc.
well the doc a locam sed i am suffering from stress and that as i am only 18 i shouldnt be suffering from stress, she didnt ask y i may be stressed, Braydon. work, family (altho that is slowely getting better) and that i should look afetr my self better eating, she accused me off not eating breakkie even after i told her i never missed it and grrrrr lol
how am i ment not to get stressed i am 18 for 4 more days yes but i aint like some teenagers whos life consists of getting stressed about where there going to go and get drunk i worry about my son and serious things like that
she even sed that i should let someone else have braydon for a couple of hours each day so i get some me time, the only prob is i dont want to give my son to someone else fr a couple of hours each day as i miss him enough wen im at work and dont wanna miss any more of him growing up well anyway she says im not allowed to get stressed or ill get an ulser lol
docs make me laugh

must remember dont get stressed
hi sarah i know how you feel.

i was on my own with kieran for 5 years and i hated the idea of giving him to someone else even for a second. when kieran was 6 months i went to college for a couple of hours a week just doing a computer course, putting kieran in a creche, and it really did help. maybe you could look into it.

or maybe your mum could have braydon once a week whilst you go into town or the cinema or something.
my mum has braydon once a week ne way while im at work he also goes to nursery while im at work
its took me a long time to work out what i wanted to do. in an ideal world i would finish my teaching exams for horse riding, but money is too tight for this, so because of the boys i thought that i would get a term time job and i can honestly say that this is a job that i am really looking forward to do.

you should think about a term time job when braydon goes to school. maybe think about preparing for it now.
yea i will but i cant afford or realistically do any other job rite now due to fubds and braydon
at the mo as im workin my 16 hours a week with pay and tax credits etc
im gettin close to £1000 a month so if i would loose that id really struggle as i pay rent etc
sarah.. this is vitally important....

"dont get stressed"

what sort of bloody diagnosis is that?!
maybe it is something that you could look into in the future. maybe when Braydon is a bit older and then maybe you could do one of those home study courses. It will be tough, especially as you work, for a while but it will be really worthwhile in the long run.

maybe when you have a chance in the future make an appointment and go and see an advisor at your local college.
im tring laura really am not easy tho my dog is going ape and my tummy is hurting just to make a change at the mo lol
and davina i looked into doing one but there reslly expensive wen B is like 3 im gonna go bck to college part time hopefully
i know it is really really hard sarah. you can only do what you can when you can. dont feel pressurised. Just enjoy being a mum to braydon and enjoy him being young, before you know it he will be a smelly 11 year old like my eldest.

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