Gut feeling about gender?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2019
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Hi ladies
Hope you are all well and your little beans are healthy and happily growing.
Im 8-9weeks and both myself and my fiance have gut feelings that out little baby is a girl lol.
I really dont care what gender we have as long as our little one is healthy but i just cannot shake the pink feels haha
Anyone else convinced about thier baby's gender? Would be fun to see if we are right...i might add them below and when we know we can compare :)

MrsG - feeling: Girl.....actual:
Elize - feeling: Girl.....actual:
Selina13 - feeling: Girl.....actual:

Come and join in xxx
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I could have put money on us having a boy... but at the gender scan it was confirmed that my little prinny was in there. She's one in 21 days... can't believe how fast time flies. Enjoy! x
I could have put money on us having a boy... but at the gender scan it was confirmed that my little prinny was in there. She's one in 21 days... can't believe how fast time flies. Enjoy! x

I would literally be shocked out of my skin if it turned out baby is a boy but i would also be ecstatic lol.
We are having the gender reveal at our wedding in april eeep xx
Ahh lovely way to do a gender reveal.

I was wrong with both of mine; thought my son was a girl until the scan and then with this one I was shocked when they said she was a girl. I'm clearly not good at the whole gut feeling thing haha. Thing is it's 50/50 really;
I’m 30 weeks with a baby girl, I felt absolutely sure from early on that she was a girl, was not even a bit surprised when sonographer said girl, would have been happy with either though

Not sure whether it was a gut feeling I had, or if it was because I had terrible non stop sickness which I had heard is more likely with girls, and also we only did the deed once days before ovulation so I totally didn’t expect to get pregnant from it but I had read the further away from ovulation the more likely it is to be a girl as the girl sperm survive much longer then the boy sperm! so maybe knowing that and having really bad sickness just put the idea in my head it was girl

I had a few really vivid dreams aswell early on in the pregnancy it was a girl!
I have absolutely no clue! I'd love a girl as my husband already had a little boy. But as long as my baby is healthy I don't mind. I don't pay too much attention to all the old wives tales - my mam said when she was pregnant with both me and my brother she didn't have any sickness at all with either. So who knows!
I thought I was having a boy in first pregnancy, I was wrong, I think it's because I really wanted a girl so I convinced myself it was a boy! hahaha

This time round I feel like it's a boy because my symptoms have been a bit different this pregnancy compared to my first. Will be booking a gender scan for 16 weeks to find out, genuinely don't mind what we have, we have 3 girls between us, so a boy would be new and different. x
I would literally be shocked out of my skin if it turned out baby is a boy but i would also be ecstatic lol.
We are having the gender reveal at our wedding in april eeep xx
awwww so lovely!
I got married on 14th April 2017, then conceived the second month after! April is a lovely time for wedding! Congrats!!! You doing it with a balloon or cake or something? x
awwww so lovely!
I got married on 14th April 2017, then conceived the second month after! April is a lovely time for wedding! Congrats!!! You doing it with a balloon or cake or something? x

We're having confetti cannons set off but our mums during the photos and then having the top tier on cake for evening guests lol xx
We're having confetti cannons set off but our mums during the photos and then having the top tier on cake for evening guests lol xx

This sounds lovely! What an amazing thing to be able to do at your wedding, you will have to update as to whether your gut instinct is right or not x
I was 100% convinced about the gender of my first 3 and I was right every time. This time I keep going back and forth, which is exciting cause I’ll finally get a true surprise when baby is born.
I knew with each of mine and when they confirmed them all at the scans I wasn’t a bit surprised. I don’t know what it is but def believe in gut feelings x
I've always had a feeling that I'd have a girl, even back when I was a 13 year old kidlet myself. I had a name picked out, because it seemed like the right name for my daughter, and I just had a feeling about it. I never really had a feeling that I'd have a boy, but I always thought it would be nice to have one of each when I was older.
Flash-forward to now, when I'm finally pregnant at age 36, and I still have that feeling that I'm going to have a girl someday, but with this pregnancy it might just be a boy. Which would be great too, but weird that I always felt it was fated (not my imagination) that I would have a girl. Not getting a look at the baby until 20 weeks as I'm trying to have as few scan as possible. Nausea early on for several weeks yes, but no morning sickness, and friends and family are thinking it's a boy because of that.
Weirdest of all, back when I met my husband and we started dating, he always thought he'd have a girl and name it Anastasia, which is the name I'd had in my heart since I was a little girl. If we have a boy it's just have his name with a prim sounding 'the third' after it because he's a junior. :p
Life is weird.
I was so sure this baby was a boy I told the sonographer she must be wrong when she said it's a girl, which she wasn't too pleased about :) And my sickness was much worse with my little boy than it has been this pregnancy with a girl! Xx
I have 2 boys and am excited to add to our family so gender either way doesn't matter a jot but I do have a feeling I'm having a girl. I did think I was having a girl with my first but was wrong, knew I was having a boy with 2nd though. Exciting times and we shall see at gender scan!! X
I always felt that my little one would be a boy from about 5 weeks. I was right. The doctor also told me that was her gut feeling so we weren't surprised at all when we had the scan. DH was convinced we were having a girl though right up until he saw proof we weren't on the screen. I wouldn't have minded either way but I did want to know because I feel like it helped make everything more real and help me bond with the baby. I had HG and lots of people said that suggests a girl but like unicorn my mother in law said her sickness was worse with DH than with his sister so it's not a very reliable test of gender for us at least!

My mum knew I would be a girl from her gut feeling too, so much so I never had any boy names picked out. She wasn't so sure with my sister though but then she is much more of a tomboy than me!
Everyone keeps telling me I'm having a boy, I would love a little boy, would be happy either way. I have no strong feelings either way. With my daughter I had a feeling she was a girl even brought a dress for her before knowing the gender =)

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