GTT tomorrow

Kelly G said:
awww well done anna.

well mine went a lot better than i thought it would. the worst part was actually the 6 tubes of blood that they took :shock: (i had my 28wk bloods done too)

Anyway i managed to keep the drink down even tho i felt sick drinking it. It was orange lucozade, i think i felt sick cos it was fizzy and my morning sickness was pretty bad this morning. I kept it down which was the main thing but it did give me horrible heartburn which i couldnt take anything for untill after the test.

We was aloud to leave but i was under strict instructions not to do anything so we just went to FIL's then went back so the time went very quick. When i had the 2nd blood test my arm wouldnt stop bleeding so had to wait 15 mins untill it had stopped :roll:

So its back to the hosp on thursday for the results for me, hopefully all will be well

wow it's amasing how differently they do things down here :D i had to stay on the ward for the whole 2 hours and only had 3 tubes of blood (including my 28 wk bloods) and i get my results today between 10-12 :D
Anna23 said:
I got my results today and i'm in the clear :D :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

awww thats great news.

The midwife said that mine would be back today and she would call but at my 12wk scan when they booked this test they booked for me to go back on thurs for the results. I told the midwife this and she said well ill put the results in ur notes then and they will let u know thurs :wall:

Its is wierd how they do things so different. When she took the 1st bloods she took the glucose one then another 4 for my 28wk bloods, she just said thst it was for a full blood count. I swear they are vampires really :rotfl:

The midwife mentioned while we was there doing the other cheaks and another one said oh they can be done when she comes back thurs, god kno's what these are i asume they are just the normal midwife cheaks.

Oh well ill find out thurs anyway :rotfl:
So glad yours is clear anna x
Hope yours is ok too Kelly x

They will check for your iron levels too, mine were low so Im on tabs for it now (dont like them tbh)
Glad it went well Kelly, best of luck for Thurs sweet :hug:

Anna, pleased yours was clear!!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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