Grrrrr My Silly Gran!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2007
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Just been out for a mothers day dinner and my gran and grandad, 2 aunts, 3 cousins, OH and my two girls.

The food was lovely and it was so nice not to have to cook and clean up after,

anyway just before we were about to leave my gran said to me "you've got lots of weight to loose after you've had the baby, I can really see it all in your face" and I said "well i'm pregnant i'm supposed to put on some weight" then she replied with "oh well if your own family can't tell you something then how will you know" She didn't even back it up with anything like how nice I looked, considering i'm actually growing a baby, and when I said what we might be calling him, she said it was horrible and she wouldn't call him that if I went round!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GRRRRRRRR silly insensitive woman, I'm not impressed and she managed to ruin a really nice meal!!!! :evil:

Sorry for the long moan, but us hormonal women don't need comments like that especially from family!!!
Silly cow, pick your name and use it, i would, its your choice. GRRRR sounds like my MIL, shes a cow like that!!

Ignore her, i think you and the MW know more about healthy pregnancy weight than she does.

You should have said at least mine will come off in X months time..... and walked off. :rotfl:

What excuse has she got??? :cheer:

:hug: :hug:
sounds like my mum :roll: she asked to know my names then absolutely slated them. i just said you had your chance to name babies so...... :moon:

why cant people just keep it zipped?
Grrrr, i've had comments like that too. My mum frequently tells me what she thinks of my choice of name and what she thinks of my home birth idea.
Really bugs me sometimes! And upsets me too!!!

Our lives our choice!
As for the weight thing, all i've had today is 'there's no way you're due in may, you look so huge already'


:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to you
Thanks everyone :D

The funny thing is that she is overweight, so she should listen to herself first!!!!!
Sometimes people just don't think. Looking at your bump I'd say you are very neat
aww Soph :hug:

My Nan is EXACTLY the same, she tells me Ive put on too much weight. My cousins gf is pregnant too and she said the other day how she was telling people that Carrie (the cuz gf) has just a little bump and has not put n weight anywhere else unlike me! :evil: I was so annoyed that not only is she cussing my weight but also telling people :evil: :evil: She asks all the time if Im eating too much! Nans eh! Been around years so I guess they feel they've earnt the right to say whatever they like :roll:

As for not liking your choice of name GRRRRRRR!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
if it makes you feel any better my partner made a few 'fatty' comments today.
He started going on about how he never gets a cup of tea in bed these days.
(so ill just pick up hannah with my spd hips at 6 am in the morning, go down our extremly steep staire case, carrying our 99%tile (in weight/height this means basically my child is MASSIVE)) baby, when i cant even see my own feet with my huge belly to make him a lovely cup of tea. and then to run back upstaires. I think NOT. Then he said i need the exercise, and that maybe i had a difficult labour with hannah was cos i was unfit.!!!!
:shock: :x :x :x
Im only fooking 8 half stone (im usually 7 and half) and im genrally very fit. Just not in the last bloody month orso ffs!

and maybe i struggled with hannah cos she was 8lbs8oz (and im usually a size 6) (with size 3-4 feet) and i was in labour for almosty 2 bloody days arrggghhhhhh

(i did say all that) (with some personal insults back to him)

i swear, he better not act suprized one day when he finds his penis down the toilet pan.

gra! :shakehead: :shakehead:

Awww Rachael :hug: :hug:

Thanks Tilly, and Babylicious :hug: :hug:

I feel better now, you're all great and know how to cheer someone up :hug:

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