Grr at my wit's end


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Austin hasn't stopped grizzling all day, he's usually a really happy smiley baby but he's been grumpy all day. I've tried everything, he's not hot or cold, he's not hungry & he doesn't have a temperature. He shouts when I put him down and grizzles & scratches at my face when I pick him up. I've tried going in the garden, which he usually loves, and he just kept grumbling. He's still teething, which may be part of the problem, but he's never been this bad before.

He's had 2 naps today but it took me over an hour to get him to sleep both times and then he only slept for 30 minutes each time.

I've got a headache because he hasn't stopped grizzling and my house is a mess because he won't let me put him down long enough to do anything.

I don't know what to do!!! OH is at work until 6 so I've got another 1 1/2 hours at least until he's home and can take over. And I know that as soon as he walks through the door my happy boy will come back because he never cries like this for his daddy.
Hey lovely,

Sorry to hear you are having such a tough day. I don't really have any advice as you are much further on in the motherhood game than me, but I just wanted to give you this :hug: and let you know I'm thinking of you.


Valentine xxx
huge sympathy maybe baby cos luke has been the same so overtired but won't nap and whinge whinge whinge all day i feel i just want to walk out for a minute - it does get you down. he is also teething and he is hot and bothered bed early tonight i hope!!
Hi hunny

Naomi used to get like this at times. She still does and this is one of her evenings, she doesn't want to go to sleep and is making her displeasure known.

And it was the same as you, she would be ok for OH he's still the best one at calming her down. I think it's because we get stressed. When we get stressed at their crying they feel it. OH doesn't mind her crying, he could listen to her hours on end, he says it's "just noise". For you and I the maternal instinct makes it different, it's something that's wrong so we get stressed and upset, particularly when we can't make it stop.

Try these, they would often work for Naomi at a time when I was at my wits' end...

Hold him in the "colic carry" - your hand up along his middle so that he's lying lengthwise along your arm, your elbow between his legs and your hand on his chest. Stand and swing from your knees so that his limbs hang loose. It's very soothing - for both of you!

Lie him on your chest and concentrate on deep, slow breathing. He will hear your heart rate slow down and he will calm down accordingly.

Give him a drink of water or sing him a song - something unusual like the "witch doctor" song - Naomi used to laugh without fail at that or "barbra ann!"

Don't feel guilty about using Teetha or Calpol, they're needed if he's in pain or upset.

And then, never mind the mess. You need to sit down and have a cuppa to get yourself right. And maybe a nap.

Hope this helps

I do sympathise with you :hug: its not easy when they are like this. Jamie went through exactly the same at the same age, apart from teething I think it was pure frustration that caused him to be a right misery! He wanted to explore and move about but couldn't, the whinging went on until he was 7 months when he started crawling!! fingers crossed it doesn't last that long for you tho.! :shock:

Try Medised & teething gel or the cold teething rings you put in the fridge.

Hope he stops!
thats what happened when rileys teeth were coming!!
Oh God! Sounds like a normal day in our house! Do sympathise with you. When Jude is like this- which can be fairly often and even more so since we've come home from holiday- is offer more food. Milk usually but if he seems hungry I may offer a spoon if rice to see if that helps. I also take him out in the pram to try and distract him.
He got up yesterday at 7 am, grizzled and cried most of the day and continued like that til 11.30 pm when we finally got him asleep.

Good Luck :hug:

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