growth spurt?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2011
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Alyssa is just 4 weeks old but im wondering if shes going through a growth spurt early as all of a sudden over the last few days she wasnt sleeping soundly, really fidgety n wakeful and shes mega hungry! we had almost phased out the bottles of formula but the last 2 days shes taken 2 or 3 4oz bottlkes with her last 3 feeds at 7pm, 12am and 3am.

does this sound like shes having a growth spurt or is my milk declining suddenly?
i havent stopped feeding her from boobs, ive not skipped any feeds and she hasnt gone longer between feeds than she usually does, plus ive been pumping between feeds what little i can get out and taking 4 fenugreek 3 times a day
I think it's more than likely a growth spurt as aposed to you loosing milk. I'd suggest dropping the formula and keeping her on your boobs to build your supply up. It's a pain but should only last a couple of days!

Henry has been the same with his sleeping and fidgeting. He has spent longer feeding too. I've not topped him up tho, just left him until he finishes and if he unmatched and cries I've offered the other boob.
i offer both and she takes them then wakes up and cries when done! i never just go to formula cos i know that will kill my supply but ive literally been lying there at 5am with nothing left in me and her screaming, id only just got to the point where id managed a day without formula so i was worried id starved her. im gonna try and go without the bottles as much as possible but they have enabled me to get sleep the last 2 nights after 2 hell of an unsettled couple of nights
Does sound like a growth spurt, my hv said expect them at 4 and 6 weeks, although Joe seemed to go crazy feeding at 3 and 5 weeks. Well done on getting some sleep, at least you'll feel a bit more human today, but like pinky said try to just let her feed on you otherwise your supply won't increase and youll be back to lots of top ups. Good luck!
still wanting feeding every 2 hours roughly. only giving a top up in the middle of the night feed now. last night she had both my boobs for well over an hour and then still took 4oz of formula and only slept from 5am til 7am. had a poopy nappy tho so i think that woke her. shes been over tired today as a result and hard to settle for naps. shes a windy bum and its disturbing her sleep too so shes been quite whiney but havent had to top up yet today and shes sleeping now. got pills and cream and srops off the docs today all together to try and get rid of this thrush once and for all. we also bought her a playgym/mat and a bouncer and ordered her jaques and some gripe water too lol. im trying to be as positive as possible. still hurts in my right boob but paracetamol dulls it to bearable pain.
Wow I was going every hour at the age lucky lady! We've just got on to every 2 sometimes 2 1/2!


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