Growth spurt question

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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James seems to be going through his 6 week growth spurt at the mo. He is feeding with a vengence anyway!! Even more than normal if thats possible!!

My question is, what are your little ones sleeping habits like during a growth spurt? I thought he would sleep more but he has hardly slept at all today.
He has a feed and then he gets really sleepy and falls asleep on me but is very restless. When I put him in his basket he is still asleep but thrashes about that much that he wakes himself up and starts crying. Then when I pick him up he is wide awake again for another hour then wants a feed and then the whole thing starts again!

So he has hardly had any sleep today.

Does this sound normal or do you think the lack of sleep / restlessness could be associated with sommat else?? :think: :think:
Yeah that does sound like a growth spurt, they tend to be really restless while on the spurt but some do sleep more I suppose it just depends. Ellie was feeding LOADS almost continuously, very grouchy and hard to get to sleep, its hard work but it does pass :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
happy_chick said:
Yeah that does sound like a growth spurt, they tend to be really restless while on the spurt but some do sleep more I suppose it just depends. Ellie was feeding LOADS almost continuously, very grouchy and hard to get to sleep, its hard work but it does pass :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

thanks Agony Aunt Jo!! :lol:

What would I do without you :hug:

Fingers crossed it passes soon cos if I dont get a decent nights kip soon Im gonna turn into a She Devil!!!

:twisted: :twisted:
lil miss is currently doing the same thing.. feeding loads, being restless.. drives you batty... Just ride it through I'm afraid as theres very little you can do, other than offer them more boob or a top up of formula, which I am always reluctant to do as formula doesn't really agree with Serena.
yeh kayla did this at about 7 weeks also and she is now going through it again over past 4/5 days so i think she mite be having another growth spurt.

tbh Hollys sleep pattern doesnt really change much, she just feeds more so any nap is shorter.

It does pass :hug:
The growth spurt stage is crazy and for me it seemed to be one bottle after the other and yes i found my kids restless too and whingy and wanting contant attention - and it was a case of bouncing the rocker a lot and cuddles and beggingb them to sleep so i could rest!

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