growth scan update


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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Went for the growth scan on monday, baby was measuring between 33-34 weeks (I was 30+2) so they are concerned about the growth. The abdominal circumference measurement they took put baby in the 90th percentile so I have to go back for tests.
Got a glucose tolerance test next wednesday and another scan on new years eve. The sonographer struggled to get a correct measurement of the babys head as it was deep in my pelvis so the 1 measurement was over estimated but that along with the others put the babys weight at 4lb 7oz, she said its probably over 4lb but not quite 4lb 7oz.
When she took all measurements she redone them as the 1st head one was WAY out, Ian said hes glad it was as it came up as 38 weeks!!!

The mesurements on my report are

BPD=91mm but inaccurate as fetal head is low in maternal pelvis
FL=60mm 90th centile
normal liquor volume
cephalic presentation

compared to my 20 week scan the HC is 119mm bigger, and FL is 26mm bigger

I also managed to get this photo of the babys face
Hope everything goes ok for your glucose test, i know from experience on here that some babies at there next growth scan the baby has settled down and is the right sort of size so fingers crossed the same will be for you :hug:
oo its poo i never got offered another scan lol My babies head and belly was over 100th centile but nothing came of the GTT test so they arnt taking action, im now measuring around 40cms too :rotfl:
does everyone get a growth scan? Didnt know I had any more - i am 30 weeks

Not every hospital offers growth scans, ours will only do it if your measuring to big or small
Snooky said:
does everyone get a growth scan? Didnt know I had any more - i am 30 weeks


No only if there is a problem, and your MW is concerned your baby is too large or too small.......usually needs to be over 4 cms out either way before they consider sending you for a scan!

I had one last week as my MW thought baby was 5 weeks too small based on my uterus measurements!
mine was because I was measuring bigger than I should be and I presume it was because I havent been well lately and they cant find any reasons for it, they are still playing guessing games
I had a private scan at 28 weeks where she was measuring huge (and I was also measuring ahead on fundal height by midwife but she wasn't concerned as GTT was normal).

However, I think baby must have been going through a growth spurt as she calmed down and now she is measuring bang on for my dates and although midwife still reckons she is quite leggy she is guessing about 7lb at birth rather than the 9lb+ they previously estimated.

Most babies don't increase gradually like the growth charts anticipate; they have a spurt and end up maybe a couple of weeks ahead but then have a rest for a couple of weeks and the charts catch up and so on and baby is perfectly average when they arrive.

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