Growth Scan Today


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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About as productive as Squigs, really. Got in there at 10:30, appointment was at 10:40..didn't get called until 11:15..had a Midwife doing the scan and not a Sonogropher and she took is still head down and was chewing a foot..saw her toes wriggling an everything :lol: Then had to wait another 15 mins to see the consultant..this is the part which I don't like, we never see the same one twice and each time I go in there I have to explain everything that's happened each time :roll: I thought the main thing was I had low fluid, as the levels are being checked every 2 weeks and this consultant told me to 'Stop obsessing about the fluid, that's not why they are monitoring me,' and 'It's babys growth which is the main concern,' (Babys growth has always been great) and also 'Don't think you are getting out of a vaginal delivery,' (I never thought I was?) As usual, fluid is low but baby is great. Consultant said I should come back in 4 weeks for another growth scan but no fluid checks in between, which is worrying..but I guess I should 'Stop Obsessing.' :wall:

Sorry for the rant!
What an arse - how dare he speak to you like that :evil: anyway main thing is baby and you are fine
The consultant sounds like a real arse!! Id have a word with your own MW if you can.
:hug: :hug:
:evil: nice of them to make you feel at ease with everything :x
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

sounds like a nice consultant. Its your baby if you want to be obessed by something you can! Everytime i have a scan i want everything checking and ask loads of questions, its natural, what a tw*t
Grrr he souns like a prize prat! :evil:

I wud def discuss with your MW and refuse to see that consultant again if I were u. Glad all is ok with baby though, thats great news!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
grrr what a twit.

like as if everyone would LOVE to have a major op to get out of vaginal birth anyway!

hope all is well in 4 wks x
what an ass face!!!! To be honest id feel like i was missing out on the whole labour experience if i had a c-section and to be honest who wants to not even be able to pick up there baby in a car seat for 6 weeks!!!!
what an idiot :x :x :x i'd speak to your midwife about it all. :hug: :hug:
Thanks guys..the consultant was a woman by the way, would you believe? All I asked was 'If fluid contnues to be low can I still carry to term?' Cause it's something I really want. Hopefully I won't have her next time, I see a different one each time. But fingers crossed next one will be the last scan :cheer:
:x Bloody Hell, how rude are some people. Glad to hear things are fine :D

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