Growth Scan Today * UPDATED WITH PIC *


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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I'm having a growth scan at 340 as I was measuring small at my last appointment....wish me luck! I'm hoping Dexter's gonna prove them wrong and be a 6 or 7lber already :)

Also have my first antenatal class beforehand, looking forward to that x

Just got back and sooo excited - he's measuring 2.787 kilos which is just over 6lbs! Just shows that these fundal measurements are bollocks! 4 and a half weeks to go so he should be a good size :D

Got a really good view of his face and also saw his willy to reconfirm he's a boy :D . He looks gorgeous:

best of luck hun, im sure everything will be fine, and enjoy seeing your LO again xx
Good luck, I'm sure all will be fine. Have fun seeing your LO again :D

Alex xxx
Hope it goes well today :D I'm sure Dexter will be a good size :)
Thats brilliant news :cheer: :dance:
so happy for you :D well done Dexter for growing big and strong 8)

sarah :wave:
Great news indeed :cheer: Go Dexter :D

Lovely pic too :)
That pic is amazing! He's saying "Look Mummy im here and growing big and strong!!"

x :cheer:
Great to hear all's well with LO, he's gorgeous!! LOVE his name :D Sending very best wishes :hug:
:hug: Yay glad it all went well for you. Hehe all that fuss over nothing silly midwife!
So glad that everything is ok hun and Dexter is a good weight after all.
Not long now till he's here, you getting scared yet? wonder who will pop first in me and you.
MissSara said:
So glad that everything is ok hun and Dexter is a good weight after all.
Not long now till he's here, you getting scared yet? wonder who will pop first in me and you.

Nervous but I went to the London meet today & seeing all the gorgeous babies has made me more excited than scared :dance:

Knowing my luck I'll still be waiting at 42 weeks..... :lol: xx
Hi Mandspice,

Glad everything is ok, love the pic.

I actually quite enjoyed having extra scans when my girls were small!!!! It is lovely to see them kicking about - haven't had that this time.

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