Group B Strep


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Hey all :wave: I haven't been on in a while, it's been crazy busy recently. Hope everyone's ok!

Got a phone call from the hospital to say they found group B strep in my wee from the last urine sample I had. Had a root around the internet and what I read about GBS is just a little bit scary, to say the least!! Does anyone else know about it or had it diagnosed? I read that if it's found in your wee at any time in ur pregnancy then ur at higher risk of baby getting it and the complications that baby can have sound horrendous, and it says that a drip needs to be set up so you can have antibiotics during labour?

Have anyone else had this experience? maybe I should ask the same thing in the other forum bit where you ask the mums!

I was told I had strep b before I was pregnant last year. I told my midwife, so I have sent a sample yesterday to be tested.

My aunt had strep b during pregnancy 2 years ago and they gave her antibiotics when she was in labour. Aslong as this happens babies are fine.

You are lucky that it has been found. This means you will have the right treatement. It's those who go undetected whose babies can end up poorly or die.

So, would say just be relieved they found it. Many are campaigning for it to be tested for along with everything else. It kills more babies than most things (I believe). But the NHS wont routinely test as it costs £22 (I think lol)

I bleieve most women would pay some or all of this cost if they wree made aware of just how bad strep b can be for their babies.

So, your are in the know now they have found it. So, good luck :)
Hi there, yes I had it diagnosed when I was pregnant for Jack, literally about 2 weeks before I had him, so I was lucky.

I just had antibiotics during labour and Jack was fine. I am allergic to penicillin so it had to be an 8 hour drip (my labour was 29 hours long)

I have it this time as well so it just means I have to have antibiotics again. Your baby will prob be monitored but as long as you have the antibiotics you and baby will be fine! :hug:
I am allergic to penicillin too. So if it comes back I am still group strep b, I will probably need to have the drip like you. It's interesting to know that :)
It's good to know that something can be done about it. Got another phone call from doctors to say they want another urine sample to recheck it because...I don't know the first time they rang they were definite it was definitely group b strep. I dunno anymore! But at least now I'm aware of it and that can't be a bad thing hey!


Not sure if you saw 'this morning' last week but Dr Chris did a bit on Strep B and if you go to this mornings website there was alot of info on it. Apparantly it can come and go throughout pregnancy and the most effective test is paying for it privatly they send you a kit through the post and you sent it back once you have taken the swabs, the results take 3 days and this should be done when you are 35 weeks, if you still have it then, then yes intrevenous antibiotics are given every 4 hours during labour which lowers the risk of passing onto the baby. Its really good that they have picked it up early as if it isnt detected it can be dangerous! I am going to send off for the private test when i am 35 weeks as the NHS one is only 50% effective. Its so weird as i never even heard of this in my first pregnancy but since i watch this morning the other day its worried me.

Try not to worry like i said it is really good that they have detected it early and it might have even possible gone by the tme you are full term, i would except the antibiotics anyway to be on the safe side!

Good Luck!

Gems x x

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