Got to see the breast feeding councellor!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2005
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Got to see the breast feeding councellor tomorrow as I have just found out im breastfeeding wrong! I think my little man is lazy as i have to hold my boob the whole time he is feeding otherwise he lets go! He is getting enough milk when he feeds its just a pain having to hold my boob in his mouth.......does anyone else have this problem?
I had the opposite prob, trying to get my boob off Seren. Great that you managed to get to see the bf counsellor, hoop it goes ok tomorrow. x
aleena does the same

but sometimes she will do it by herself, but very rarely
I have to do the same for charlie...i thought it was because i have big booies! :oops:
Great you are seeing the BF counsellor, hope it goes well for you. x
Good luck with the counsellor - I want to train to be one of those once I've been feeding Ella for 6 months. Is your counsellor associated with a particular group?
rosieroo said:
Good luck with the counsellor - I want to train to be one of those once I've been feeding Ella for 6 months. Is your counsellor associated with a particular group?

I start my training next week. Am looking forward to it. I think you should go for it Rosie as you know alot about it :D
Ooooh who are you training with? (And thank you for your kind comment, everything I know I picked up here!)

Kina x
Its through my local surestart, my HV at my local bfing group put me up for it. Am looking forward to it :D

How did it fo Fayebalina?
Hi F,
I have same prob, but think due to big boobies too. What a nightmare trying to eat dinner with one hand and baby on boob keeps slipping off...... need a third hand desperately!!
Good luck!! Let us know how you get on.
Emilia xx
Can't remember who said it, but I know that I 'angle to the dangle'! :lol:

We don't have a Sure Start in my area, but there is one in Torquay and Teignmouth.

I'm not sure why I didn't read more about breastfeeding or watch any videos etc because I felt so unprepared once I started bf. When I was in hospital the midwife watched me latch Olivia on and said I was doing ok. It was only when I went to a La Leche BF support meeting and saw several women holding their boob that I wondered what they were doing! I've never held my boob for Olivia, is this perhaps because I have quite small boobs? Do you hold it because otherwise your baby's will not get the angle of the nipple in their mouth? My lovely SIL has very large and quite low hung boobs and used to roll a hand towel and place it under her boob when she fed my nephew otherwise so he could get the nipple in his mouth and be at the tummy to mummy position.

I would also be interested in becoming a bf "buddy" or help person because like Kina I got lots of information from you guys here and also seeked help from BF councellors and know how valuable this was/is to me and I'd like to be able to help other new mums. I go to a weekly NCT bf support group, my local NHS bf support group and have been to the hospital's bf support group, oh and I went to one La Leche monthly meeting and found then very nice but a bit too intense for me.

Gees that makes me sound very desperate! It's more for a chat with the other mums now!

How did it go Faye?

Hello, I have been bf for nearly 5 weeks and I still have problems, i was really sore to start with and nearly gave up.

for some reason I find it hard to get oliver on my left boob, it is sore, has a hole in it on one side!!

I went to the bf group once, they said and so did the midwife that he is on correctly but it still hurts quite often!

I will go to group again, but still unable to drive!

I also wish i had done more reaseach into bf feeding, thought it would be easy!!!!!
Hi Jadie

My left boob has always given me more probs than my right as well and also had a scary hole in the side! :shock: Lansinoh cream repaired it.

I still get sore nipples occasionally and think it's when Olivia doesn't take enough aerola in her mouth, I must say that as she's getting bigger this is happening less and less.

Well done for sticking with the bf for this long, it does get easier.

Lucy x
Lucy said:
Hi Jadie

My left boob has always given me more probs than my right as well and also had a scary hole in the side! :shock: Lansinoh cream repaired it.

I still get sore nipples occasionally and think it's when Olivia doesn't take enough aerola in her mouth, I must say that as she's getting bigger this is happening less and less.

Well done for sticking with the bf for this long, it does get easier.

Lucy x

Ditto everything Lucy said!! The slit will repair itself eventually and the pain will go. I agree about babe getting bigger = less pain.

You're doing great Jadie, a few more weeks to go and you'll be flying along :)
Lucy said:
Hi Jadie

My left boob has always given me more probs than my right as well and also had a scary hole in the side! :shock: Lansinoh cream repaired it.

I still get sore nipples occasionally and think it's when Olivia doesn't take enough aerola in her mouth, I must say that as she's getting bigger this is happening less and less.

Well done for sticking with the bf for this long, it does get easier.

Lucy x

Gosh Lucy... how lovely to hear you say that!! "it will get easier". Remember how you struggled - you've done so well too!!!! :clap: :clap:
(just hard to believe things will improve at the time, hey?)
Emilia xx :wink:

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