Got some FAB news!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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My due date brings the best news in the world!

A few of you may remember, Rich and I are on the council list and last month we got offered a place but it turned out to only be a temporary let and way more than we were paying in our private rent so we had to turn it down.

Well I got a phonecall this afternoon and we have been offered a 2 bed house with a garden on one of the new private developments in our area and OMG its sooooo posh. Rich's boss has bought a house out there and it was well over £250,000. The good news too is we are allowed pets and the rent is peanuts!

I feel so privileged....

The current tenants move out end of Jan so we hope to be in by mid Feb.

We have to see the man from the housing association on Tuesday, he knows the situation and I have pre warned him that he might get a phone call if im in labour!! Its ok though, he said we can work round it :wink:
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! So happy for you, couldn't have happened to a nicer person! Obviously your due date for good news - hope you'll be really happy with your new family in your new home :hug: Do you have a pet already or are you going to get one?
gingerpig said:
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! So happy for you, couldn't have happened to a nicer person! Obviously your due date for good news - hope you'll be really happy with your new family in your new home :hug: Do you have a pet already or are you going to get one?

Thats such a sweet thing to say Ginger....awwww

Yeah we have pets already, thats why I was so worried we would get offered some scummy flat or something!

We have a cat and a my animals to bits. Might even get a dog end of this year now! :cheer:
Hey don't get too excited you might go in to labour :rotfl:
Congrats hunni :) thats great news, it sounds so nice
Hypnorm said:
Hey don't get too excited you might go in to labour :rotfl:

:rotfl: Thats what the man said on the phone when he told me the news...'I hope I havent started things along!'

Feel free thats what I say!! I need a kickstart!
Yay! Glad you got such a nice place! :hug:
Thats great news, i've been reading your posts about this, good job you turned the other down!

New house, new family, wonderful :dance:
im really pleased for you hunny :hug:

that other house was wrong for all the right reasons, so u can get ur new house :D
thats fantastic news jaidy!!!!

i will send *labour vibes* in exchange for *phonecall from council offering new house vibes* lol!!!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

yay more animals!!! :cheer: :cheer: now u need ur little man!!!
I am SO thrilled for you darling, this is the best news ever, and I am so happy and excited for you all :cheer: :cheer:

You can relax a bit more now, just think your little man will be here any day, you will have a few weeks with the support of your mummy to help out, then you will be in your lovely new house!!


Come on now baby, get a shift on :cheer:
Yay jaidy thats fab news may i wish you your o/h and lo when he arrives all the best in the world :cheer: :hug: -xx-
wow - what fantastic news !!!!!!!!!!

I am so pleased for you, you were so upset about the flat and now look what you are going to have, a fab house with a garden.........

what a lovely place to start your new little family with.......
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Congrats hun!!!! Fab news!! I know how you feel totally!! :cheer: :dance: :hug:


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