Got my first Midwife appointment through!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Just to let you know I got my first midwife appointment through, she is coming on the 22nd in the afternoon! Im very excited, I have the choice whether to have a dating scan at 11-14 weeks or a dating scan plus a nuchal scan. What did you guys have just to be nosey? Im thinking I am probably in the low risk category as im 20 yrs old but you never know do you? I think as its free I may as well have the nuchal scan as well just to see what category im in.
yes id go with having the nuchal scan too jade. i wasn't given the choice so you may as well get what you can dear. :D

itsso exciting having midwife come. This will be your booking in appointemnt. You'll get a bag of goodies and she'll spend a good hour with you.

She'll also take some bloodand a urine sample.

Let us know how you get on
How exciting!! I would have everything offered to you! Got my first app with hozzie 31st, will have my first scan. I will 8.5 weeks so will hopefully see the little bean. I am counting the days :lol:
Hi JaidyBaby,

My scan is the day after yours :) can't wait! I was sent forms with my appointment letter about what scans I wanted done and any testing including a nuchal scan and all abnormalities. Just to let the midwife know what we want. I'll probably have the majority of them but not the amnio.
Good luck with your scan.

Bev x x
I got the appointment through for my scan yesterday. Its on the 12th June and I'll be 16 weeks. We only get the one scan where I am and I think it's just a dating scan. I have the option to pay for more detailed ones but my OH isn't keen as he doesn't want to find out the sex, by accident. I'm low risk so I'm going to see what is said at this scan. Just can't wait to see our little one :D I was so excited at my midwife appointment. There's loads of paperwork, goodies and you'll find out about options for the birth
Yeah think im just gonna be greedy and get whatever is offered lol xx
I had a scan at 5 weeks and again at 7. going back for 13 weeks scan on 25th may so will have my date then, but cant get my booking in to see consultant till 14th june so will be 16 weeks then, cant see community midwife till i been to the hosp as im classed as high risk cos of my age and because of my high bp, Funny how different counties do things so diff cos im not even been mentioned a nuchal scan :? Emmwa you only 2 days behind me :D xx

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