Got Flu. is there ANYTHING i can have?


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2007
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sick of this.... was in bed all day yesturday cos i was too weak. i went to the loo and passed out :rotfl:
hot flushes, body aches etc... today im full of snot (sorry lol) i run like a tap litterally but been told by friend that i cant have beechams or anything like that and also got to watch how much i blow my nose as both could start of labour... is this true?

any home remedies that work?? i just want to eat crisps all day, soooo nice to scratch throat hehe
You could try some Honey and Lemon in hot water. Maybe a trip to the docs would be best they may be able to give you something to help.

I hope you feel better soon.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Ive never heard that blowing your nose brings on labour :think:
neither had i, id make me laugh though lol. im seeing the midwife tomorrow so will chat then.

ive been drinking milk and honey but fed up with it now. wish pizza was better for us :cheer:
i had awful flu a while back and dr said i could have sudafed, just cant have like lemsip and that.

and blowing your nose wont do any thing, some one told me that too hehehe old wifes tales i think.

hope u feel better, stock up on salt and vinegar crisps hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I had flu in first tri and was told the only thing I could take was paracetamol (which did nothing! :x ).
The midwife said I could take lemsip if I really needed too but I got the impression she'd rather I didn't, so I gave it a miss.

I hope you're feeling better soon, it's awful being ill on top of pregnant :hug: :hug: :hug:
I love hot blackcurrant juice when I'm not well, I prefer it to honey & lemon & it's full of vitamin c.

Hope you feel better soon. :hug:
Maybe try some toast to scratch the back of your throat. It takes away some of the goo with it Is there goo with flu? I've only ever had colds and some of them were stinkers but they weren't flu so I don't know all the different symptoms. :shock: I'm going to be a mum and I won't know how to recognise flu :shock: panic panic, got to check wikipedia.
The only symptom I remember is fever. You'll need to drink lots of fluids to keep hydrated with a fever.
And you can only take paracetemol. Some cold products are just paracetemol with fancy price tags so you can take them. But it would be cheaper to just have the paracetemol and hot juices too if you like.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Try to swap your milk for fruit juice, I heard that dairy can make you more snotty.

Feel better soon hun, get loads of sleep. :hug:
I checked wikipedia. Then I realised that maybe I should check out the NHS.

* fever that comes on quickly (38-40C; 100-104F),
* sweating and feeling feverish,
* general muscle aches and pains,
* a feeling of general tiredness,
* dry, chesty cough,
* sneezing,
* running or blocked nose, and
* difficulty sleeping.

:shock: :shock: :shock: Poor you!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

I loved this bit :
Flu usually occurs during the winter months, from October to April in the UK.
:rotfl: :rotfl: 7 months of winter :rotfl: :rotfl:

You should stay at home and in bed for as long as the acute symptoms persist which is usually for two or three days after the symptoms peak. You should drink plenty of fluids and to treat the symptoms as necessary.

One of the most effective treatments for a sore throat is producing saliva to lubricate the throat and wash any infection away. For this reason, sucking any pastille, lozenge or boiled sweet can help to relieve a sore throat. It is also helpful to drink plenty of fluids, and warm drinks may be especially soothing. Many pastilles contain demulcents (relieves irritation) for example glycerine or honey, which can safely be taken by most people to stop their throat from feeling dry.

Salt water- gargling can be a good way to relieve a sore throat. Gargles should not be swallowed, but spat out after gargling is done. Salt water (a teaspoonful of salt in a glass of warm water) is traditionally used.

Take paracetamol. If you have a high temperature this will help to bring it down. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for the correct dose. If you are pregnant, you should only take paracetamol as instructed by your GP or midwife. ( my midwife and doctor have both been encouraging me to take paracetemol and say it's safe. You might want to check with your midwife or doctor)

Make sure you drink enough fluid to keep yourself hydrated – water is best. This is particularly important if you have a high temperature. Also, warm drinks can be soothing.

Stay at home, get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activity.

Keep the room at a comfortable temperature, but make sure that fresh air is circulating.

You should check your temperature every 4 hours and you have to seek medical advice if the fever lasts more than 4 days.

Most of the above is plagerised from the NHS website.

I hope you feel better soon - it sounds awful! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Vicks vaporub helps & when I was dying with sinusitis during pregnancy (Yes I was on the brink..!) the pharmacist gave me saline drops which tasted gross down the back of your throat but helped.

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