Got any tips? How do you manage to....


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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Keep your bush in order! LOL, though i might as well come out with it straight. But i mean when my bump gets huge i dont wanna be going into the hospital with a forest fit for animals to hibernate in :rotfl: :rotfl:

I almost cant see there now so finding it difficult to keep myself trim and spiffing! What about when i cant see anything! OMG, shall i just use a mirror?
LOL that's exactly what I'm worried about too! I've heard some women use an electric shaver and a mirror as it's easier :wink:
Ha ha!! I actually posted about this in the 3rd Trimester part!! Most of the replies were if you can't see it don't worry about it!!! Some people's OH were going to have a trim up for them!!!

I have just realised that I am going swimming next weekend so will need to trip up!! Haven't been able to see my for weeks!! I am 30 weeks now!!
I use an electric trimmer, but yesterday my mirror kept steaming up in the shower (didnt have any heating in there) so it was a case of guess work and I think I still managed to nick myself in a few places. Told OH he would have to check for missed patches last night but he didnt bother
if you can stand to be waxed thats prob the best idea. Ive had to give up on mine cause i just struggle to see it now. I used to do mine every other day so it would be a right pain to have to get OH to do it every other day for me. Im planning on getting him to do it if all goes to plan near my due date and hen keep him trimming it till I have LO (if i go over) so im tidy for going into hospital
Ive been waxing but OH MY GOD it hurts soooo much more now im pregnant hahaha xx
Thats what I have a husband for..........he did a fantastic job of trimming my bits :oops:

Although as I warned the 3rd Tri girls, sleep definitely wasnt on his mind after he had done the trimming :D
at the moment im sitting on side of the bath or sqatting in the bath and shaving it with my intuition razor, and its just a guessing game of missing bits, but im hoping to get waxed around 36-27 weeks if baby bean decides to stay in there that long.
EllieBelle said:
Thats what I have a husband for..........he did a fantastic job of trimming my bits :oops:

Although as I warned the 3rd Tri girls, sleep definitely wasnt on his mind after he had done the trimming :D

LOL yeah I've asked my OH to shave me when I can't reach and I know he will have the same reaction!

I managed to shave in the shower 2 days ago squatting and standing intermittently but couldn't see. I did an ok job tho :D
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
just remering the same thread came up when i was pregnant with Alastair, and Budge wrote such a funny post I think it was one of the funnest posts ive ever read........anyway I get my OH to do it, must admit hasnt been done for a while but he will do it, and he doesnt mind, when i was pregnant with sophie i was so big he even did my legs :D

awww who said romance was dead eh :rotfl: :rotfl:
And you trust your boys to do a good job? :shock: Mine would probably shave in his initials - and I wouldn't notice until I went to give birth :rotfl:
my hubby holds a mirror there for me cas my bump is big already and it's hard to trim or anything there :lol: :lol:
Hubby does mine for me as I already cant see down there :shock: He did it for me through last pregnancy too and is quite the expert now :lol:
I tried doing it myself a few days before I went into labour with my son, and I made a right hash of it :oops: :oops: I dread to think what the midwifes thought of my hacked at lady garden!

Will definately be getting Hubby to trim it up nearer the time, may as well just leave it for the mo!!! :lol:
I've also got my OH doing mine.. I was OK doing it myself up until a few weeks ago but now I can't see down there and I don't fancy getting any nasty nicks! :lol:
Well is seems the majority are going for thier other halves doing it! Not a bad idea. God if he hurst my bits though he'll be in bother, i nicked myself as well the other night, youch, im jsut at the stage where i can jsut about see over my little hill of a bump but my wanny ( my pet name for it! :rotfl: ) is dissapearing like a sunset behind the mountains! If i threaten OH that ill grow it into a forest unless he helps out that should do the trick!
my husband done mine for me 1st time round and no doubt he will certainly offer to do it this time round lol he takes great pride in doing it as well :lol:
ermm i dnt think i cud trust my hubby he mite get carried and hack it all off haha or even worse cut me :?

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