Goodbye PF


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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Myself and Tally are leaving for a while, i'm going back to uni in a few weeks, redoing some modules which i failed due to being too distracted with this place and everything else going on in my life. I also want to try and join a mother and baby group as Tally hates being in the house all day and i've got a list of other things too.

I'll probably be back at some point, especially if i have another baby but i dont feel i'm getting as much out of being on here any more, and i'm overly paranoid which i think is related to being in the house all day by myself, this is leading me to not reply to posts as i have a differing opinion to others and feel sometimes that i cant voice that.

I'm eternally grateful to everyone on here for their advice and guidence during my pregnancy and i will probably sneak on here to update myself.

I'm having a few issues with Dave being paranoid about me taking Tally to see her dad which we need to work through, but over all everything is very possitive at the moment. He saw Tally yesterday and did seem interested, but only time will tell if that lasts, i'm going to be getting out of the house and back to uni again soon and hopefully back to myself. I need to focus on this atm, but we'll be back

I would make this longer or worded better but tally is winging in my arms so i cant atm
Good Luck to you. Really hope you get on well in the future.
Take care. x :hug:
Aww, will miss seeing you around these parts :) Good luck with baby Tally, she's absolutely precious! Oh and fingers crossed for your uni stuff too - I'm sure you'll do just fine :) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Best wishes,

Claire xxx
bye Clare :wave:

hope to see you popping back on now and again! good luck at Uni :hug:

good luck with everything, take care of you and Tally

:wave: bye hun and all the best we'll be here when you decide to come back good luck at uni xx
Hey- i just wanted to say sorry for that thread when we had a bit of a run in- i was out of order to you in a PM
and i want you to know i'm not usually like that- it was a sore topic and i am more than happy to agree to disagree normally! I was going to apologise to you before but i kept leaving it..thought i better say it as you are leaving!! hope theres no bad feelings! Tally is gorgeous by the way. bye and good luck to you and Tally- hope to see you back on the forum soon xxxxx

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