Good Winding Techniques


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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What do you find the most successful way to bring up wind in your baby?

I tend to sit Zac on my lap and rub then pat his back and then put him over my shoulder and do the same, but this doesnt always get his wind up!

Any one got any tips for good winding or any other successful positions? :think:
i do what u do n if that dosnt work i also lay him on his front over my knee n then pat n rub, my HV said if he dosnt bring any wind up then give him a wee break n then try again!
xashleyx said:
i also lay him on his front over my knee n then pat n rub

I sit him on my lap and rub his back but as he's getting older its not so easy as he makes his legs go stiff :roll: so i either put over my shoulder or like xashleyx across my legs
when Louie was tiny i used to rub his back like you do & also i used to lay him back a bit to stretch out his tummy, then sit him up & carry on rubbing/patting his back & sometimes this used to work.
my DH swears by walking around with Louie on his shoulder.

midwife told me to rub his back in a circular movements.
good luck, it gets easier when they are older, Louie brings his wind up sooo easily now, its great!
I used to perch Leorah on my knee and jig her up and down in little movements for about 30 secs to a minute and the put her over my shoulder and she would always do a huge burp. I actually got the tip off this forum. Its like shaking a can of pop to get the bubbles to the top and really works :wink:
I used to sit Stanley side on and rotate him in clockwise circles from the waist, that worked well.

It used to be tough but now I just sit him up and wait, and he sounds like Barney off the Simpsons! :lol:
if Rhys is having trouble I find that if I put him over my shoulder and walk up stairs patting him then he'll do a huge burp!

gently bouncing them on your knee helps a treat
Walking ewan up and down the stairs seemed to work very well.
or i used to gently lean him back wards and forwards and that seemed to help bring the wind up.
Also massaging his tummy a little, i could feel when he had a lot of wind if you gently tapped on his tummy it would sound hollow!

if that failed i would give him a little bit of gripe water.
if i can't get the burp up, i lay alice down, make her strech out a bit, and then pick her back up.

at what age do they start to 'burp themselves'?
Thanks ladies!

Il be giving these a bash and hopefully Zac will do some 'Barney' burps like Minxy described, I love it haha! :rotfl:
ewan was about 9 months when he was able to get his own wind up, he was more mobile then anyway so that helped.
I know this sounds strange but when im burping tia on my lap, i hav my thumb and forefinger supporting her head and my second 2 little finger under her arm holding it up so shes kind stretched sitting up , she then does a little sideways wriggle and burps nicely xxxx

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