Good signs?


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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I am around 5 dpo I think (taking it from last Thurs as that's the only day I had EWCM) and whilst I'm trying to be really good with the SS I have noticed since yesterday that I'm getting AF pains and about 10 mins ago my belly has gone really hard and getting pains like I'm going to come on...actually feel the need to go and check that I haven't...I'm also sneezing alot and really itchy but I have gnat bites and suffer from hayfever so I'm disregarding those 2...keep getting the occasional wave of nausea and heaches too...I am not taking those as signs cos I seem to suffer from those every month but what do you think about the AF/belly pains?
I hope someone can answer this for both of us, as since I spotted the EWCM over a week ago I have been getting the same tummy pains as you and making frequent mad runs to the loo with a tammy hidden up my sleeve only to find nothing!!
The cramps for a period and the cramps of early pregnancy are exactly the same!! I looked it up because I have them too. Apparently it's the ligaments of the womb stretching as it settles or something, i've forgotten already, the only thing I took on board was the fact that it could easily be either so it doesnt help either way to let you know. I know - totally unhelpful response! But at least it doesnt mean you're not.....
The thing that was holding me back is that I am not experiencing any of the most obvious signs, nausia, sore bb's, weeing a lot.... so I didnt want to read to much in to what I am feeling, but just as I had it in my head that its probably nothing I just went to lunch with my dad and the smell of his roast chicken really made me feel queasey and put me off my own lunch..... so what the heck now!!

How freakin amazing would it be if we all got our bfp's this month, we are all testing around the same time so I will be keeping my eye out for you both x
The pains you get before af and during early pregnancy are very similar. I had what I thought were period pains the day I was due when I was pregnant and I remember having a kind of pulling sensation in my groin, like I'd pulled a muscle or something. The pains continued for a few wks too and are normal.

Fingers crossed for you all xx
I would love it to be our month this month Ladies...could you imagine...
This afternoon I'm feeling really sick (I just had to go to the loo at work cos I really thought I was going to throw up at my desk) with pains in my bbs and generally just feel 'urgh'...I've also got quite a few angry looking red spots come up on my chest and jaw line...I am trying to not look too much into it though cos surely 5dpo is far too early for symptoms????
Oooh, good luck ladies, from your symptoms it looks very hopeful for you all!

When are you all testing?
Well my AF is due around the 18th so if nothing I'll be testing on the 19th...fx!!!!
Ooooo its all exciting isnt it?! Im aprox 9DPO and i had really sensitive nipples Sat, Sun and Mon. Ive been needing to pee more than usual 9to the point i think i will actaully wee myself if i dont run) and ive only had 4 drinks, normally i can last till late afternoon befor i need loo! Since Sat night ive been feeling queezy in the evening, ive been slightly constipated too (i read this is an early symptom) and last night my boyfriend said i was like a human radiator, but ive not been checking my temp......does it all sound good to you girls? Its our 5th month trying, came off pill mid Jan xxx
Girls please do update the June testing thread the moment you know. I check it often to see who is coming up for testing and who has got what result. It's a great comfort being in it together and a consolation to me if you guys get bad results too, and really cheering if you get a bfp because I like you all and it just goes to show that perseverance will get us there one by one :)
Dont worry Clem you girls will be one of the first to know what my outcome is. I have reached a point now where I will be happy whatever happens.... I am in to day 43 of my cycle now and I will admit its testing me!! Hopefully something will happen end of the week / early next week otherwise I am off to see the Doc, as its now been a week and half of tummy pain and bloating and I have had enough :(

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