good sign?

Vicki & Nathan

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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since yesterday ive had only what i can describe is the type of stomach feeling you get when your about to come on. like a dull crampy feeling. i woke in the night and had one sharp twinge but that was it.
when i got up i had a increase in cm it was pure white ( abit like after you have had naughties sorry if tmi) it was a bit watery and white.
could this all be a sign my bodies getting ready and it wont be long :pray:
sounds good hun :)

ive been having crampy feelings, and when i went to hospital after a bleed recently, she told me i was having contractions :)

you will proberly loose your plug soon :)
Best of luck Vicki this could be it. :pray:
also i just walked up to the shop and when i walk i can feel like a tingly/electric shock feeling in my pelvis is this a sign that they have dropped
The stuff you have discribed is is exactlly what i have been having since monday i get gushes in the morning and at nite and also through the day! thats why i went to the hospital monday cos i thought my waters had gone :shock: but no its stuff called lycarea or something like that its just very watery discharge some ladies have a little some have alot! I have alot :oops: you can get an increase of this before labour starts? so i am still waiting. hope that helps :)
Am not going to be impressed if you get your LO before me :shakehead: :rotfl: All sounds good though. Good luck :hug:
i still have this stomach ache i have had it for about 3 days now. i have a mw app this afternoon so im going to mention it to her see what she says
All sounds good vicky, the change in your CM is a sign your cervix is ripe for labour, and you may see your show within the next few days.
The stomach ache may lead to you spending some time on the loo though soon so your body can have its clear out tim soz!
But sounds shopefull but dont get too excited you know what babies on here have done to their mums on here! :D
mrs_tommo22 said:
The stomach ache may lead to you spending some time on the loo though soon so your body can have its clear out tim soz!


i been getting this alot in the morning and sometimes in the middle of the night, not pleasant at all
I agree itrs not nice and can make you feel ill at times but better then pooing yourself during labour lol

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