Good for your induction luck Samrbtson!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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GOOD LUCK FOR TOMORROW BABES :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Hope it all goes smoothly for you, we will be eagerly waiting for news of the arrival of your little one! :cheer:
thanks girls! :hug:

I think i am finally ready... packed and re packed my bags countless times! and just had a lovely long soak in the tub. :)

Have no idea how i am going to sleep tonight!!! Ive got to be at the hospital for 8 tomorrow.MW today said LO was lying back to back! Fingers crossed she moves for tomorrow!

Make sure you all take care! Don't want any health scares whilst i am gone :)
My god Sam it's time already!! Good luck hun xxx
Good luck hunny, cant wait for photos and ur birth story xx
good luck hun im sure it will all go well and we want loads of piccies wen u come back
Good luck sam!!
cant wait for you to have her so we can see piccies!!! :dance:
ill let everyone know as soon as she arrives! :D
hiya girls! sitting on the ward at the mo. had one lot of gel and some 'wonderful' period type cramps! got another batch at 3 ish, but it depends on what is happening down below :oops: i was 1cm when i got here so looking promising!!! oh is looking after me, the little gem :hug: . hopefuly next update will be wih baby pics!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: . sam -x-
Good luck hun! :hug:
Cant wait to see some baby pics :hug: :hug: :hug:
You sound really chilled out :D good luck and can't wait to see piccies :hug:

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