Good book!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Hello ladies!
Just wanted to share something............. I was told about this book called 'The Wonder Weeks' by a mummy friend recently and decided to take a look at it on Amazon. It looked interesting and not too expensive (£13.50 I think I paid) so I bought it! It basically gives you the low down on a babies 10 great fussy phases from 0-20months. Its research based and shows u when to expect a fussy patch from start and finish and explains what changes the baby is going through at this time. It's about mental development as opposed to growth spurts and from what I've read so far it's informative and interesting- particularly if u r like me and worry a lot and like to understand what's happening with LO! The basic theme is that at each 'fussy phase' babies will take a step backwards before making a giant leap forward in their development! It explains some differences between genders and gives u ideas of how u can help your babies development in each phase with suggestions of suitable games and toys etc, as well as little diary sections to document what your baby did at each phase and add photos.

I am sure it wont be everyones cup of tea but personally, as a first time mum, I wish I'd have had this when my LO arrived as it would have helped me b less anxious and better prepared for the tough times!

Hope this might help some of you as it has done me! xx:)
Oooo is there an app? Awesome! May have to get that too! lol!
I downloaded the kindle version onto my iPhone so I could read it in the dark during night feeds! Got the app too, it's really interesting, I find the suggestions of activities helpful.
Just downloaded the app. The last leap definately describes Henry recently and he is already showing signs of the next leap he isn't due until next week!
Just downloaded the app. The last leap definately describes Henry recently and he is already showing signs of the next leap he isn't due until next week!

I think the weeks are a rough guide I never take them too to heart. I keep looking ahead to see whats next too lol!

Yeah it says they r a rough guide. Nice to know what's to come so I can prepare myself! Lol!
Ordered it! Can't wait for it to arrive!
It also goes from due date rather than birth date, I like that it makes that clear as Isaac was 3 weeks early & I often wonder whether I should look at actual or adjusted age when reading about what he should be doing & growth spurts.
wats the app called i cny find it :-X
im on vodafone n have a samsung galxy if that makes any diff x
It's just called the wonder weeks hunny. I have an iPhone but u should be able to get it for ur phone xxx

Hope u and Austin r well. Not seen u about for ages!!!

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