good age gap?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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My DH has agreed to having another baby at some point (yay - he said he never wanted anymore!!).

I want two babies quite close together so eva has someone. but i think i want my next baby when eva is walking so i dont need a double pushchair (my hallway is too narrow - so it would be a nightmare).

What do you think is a good age gap? I said 2 years and DH said 4 so i'm wondering if 3 would be best.

What do you think is a good age gap and when do you think is a good time to ttc again?

2 years and 3 months gap between my two... they're best friends and worst enemies! Any gap is good I recon... it just gets easier if the older one is a wee bit more independent, ie. walking like you say!

Good luck... glad your OH agreed to some frantic nookie again!! LOL :D :D :D :D

Emilia xx
at least wait untill evangeline is walking dio cant properly walk yet and its a night mare when me her and harley are upstairs, i have to get Dior carry her down lock the stairgate so she cant get back up then i run backup grab harley and bring him down, its hard workoh and maybe wait till she is out of nappies elseu will feel like a big bum wiping machine

but then 2 is when people call them the terror 2s ild wait untill your gitl starts playgroup
at least dionne you'll have the baby weight off in no time running up and down the stairs!!
Im not sure what a good age gap is really. I mean Josh is 9yrs old and Ruby is nearly 5 months, I find this a fantasic age gap as Josh loves to help out loads and helps me no end, but at the same time it was a shame that Josh didnt have a brother or sister growing up. Now that me and hubby are married Ive said I want another one when Ruby gets to about 2 or 3yrs.
Ill let you all know in about 3 years time whats best LOL

thats great news, im so pleased for you :D

the gap between Charlie and Ethan is 18 months, bit younger than you wanted but they are so close and get on brilliantly, they never fight, its great :)

Yeh I feel like i would prefer to do it sooner rather than later while:

a) we have all the stuff we need
b) i'm used to not having much sleep
c) before my figure goes completely back to normal
d) while i can remember important little things i've learned so far

there is 16 months between me and my sister and we are really close. my mam didnt need a double pushchair cos i sat on a chair on top of my sisters pram. Think DH wants more of a break than that though. he said he cant be bothered for the pregnancy and birth just yet :D forgot what an inconvenience it is for the men haha

when did you all concieve after having your first? x
i came of the pill when Dior was 3months got preg straigt away.

what made me get preg so soon was,

well i was used to getting no sleep already fat, had every thing and rather then go back to work get social life back then start parenting all over again to just take 2 yrs out and be a mummy machine.

by the time im 26 they will both be going to school :wink:

now Dior and Harley can grow up together :)
Mason is 4 and Brody is 5 months.

I did want a smaller gap but hubby didn't want any more, then changed his mind :)

The great thing about a 4 year gap is I feel I have totally had one on one with Mason and done loads of great stuff with him, then he went to full time school, now I get one on one with Brody, so I get to enjoy them both fully as babies without them sharing me too much.
Now Mason is old enough to understand that mommmy is tired, and he's also great with Brody, very gentle and really loves him to bits.
urchin said:
Mason is 4 and Brody is 5 months.

I did want a smaller gap but hubby didn't want any more, then changed his mind :)

The great thing about a 4 year gap is I feel I have totally had one on one with Mason and done loads of great stuff with him, then he went to full time school, now I get one on one with Brody, so I get to enjoy them both fully as babies without them sharing me too much.
Now Mason is old enough to understand that mommmy is tired, and he's also great with Brody, very gentle and really loves him to bits.

yesi find it very hard sharing my love i feel sometimes dior gets pushed out but then when im looking after her i feel sorry for Harley just laying there looking into thin air
dionne said:
i feel sorry for Harley just laying there looking into thin air

Is this not just a male thing , lol. Quite happy staring at nothing at all.
My 2 have 5 and 1/2 years between them and it is really easy. Jess gets her self up and dressed and helps me out with Aimee all the time. I want one more baby and soon so they can be close, but also like Dionne said about getting your life back then doing it all over again. I didn't realise how easy i had it with just Jess, so I enjoyed having freedom back while she was at school and it makes it that much harder when its taken away again.
Mine have 5 / 3 / 5 year gaps. If I could chose, I'd have preferred 3 year gaps, close enough together to do more of the same things, but far enough apart to not be too much hard work. If I hadn't wanted a big family, I think I'd be like Dionne and got it all over and done with, but I'd be be in the nuthouse now with 4 kids under 5

One downside of bigger age gaps is family time - we've been arguing for 3 days now where to go this year on holiday :evil: , and silly things like at the fairground, they can't go on the same rides so we end up in two groups rather than all together (and it's usually me that ends up on the bloody baby rides). If we can't agree on somwhere this week, I'm going to go and buy one-way air fares for where they each want to go, shove them on a plane with a packed lunch, and I'll stay home :D .
I think Id like to concieve in about 2 or 3 years maybe, enjoy ella for a while then have no.2, I want a no.3 aswell but think Ill have to talk OH into it!

Wr will actually start trying in September after summer is over so i can enjoy it with Kiara and Bernie .
But if it happens sooner then great :D
part of me wants a rest and the other part just keeps thinking about being pregnant again. I keep caluculating when i should get pregnant if i want the perfect age gap between them.

if i knew i would have another girl i would probably want to go for it now (cos it would be easier to adjust to) but if i was to have a boy i think i would want to wait a little - all new clothes to buy etc.

it's weird cos i can't imagine having a boy now that i have eva :think: anyone else like that?
I can only imagine having girls too - I'd like a little sister for Ella so they could be close. But a boy would be nice for Matt :D
do you feel nervous about having two so close or do you think you will cope fine? I think the first 8 weeks would be so hard for me but they were with eva. then things gradually get easier don't they?

did your husband want another one straight away or did you talk him into it?
DH has agreed to trying for another baby when eva is 2. which is great because he said he didnt want any more ever. i know that this is sensible but i still feel like i want one now. i feel like a spoilt brat but anything other than now now now isn't as good :lol:

I thinkit would be easier in some ways to have another one close in age or not because you learn from your first born .
Like there are stuff i would do different such as putting our next baby in his orher own room from the start as i just cant seem to put her in her own bed or room which is mostly cuz im too attached.
But like you ToriElla there are days where i want a break and want to wait way longer and others where i wnat one now. lol

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