going to the doctors wednesday im a bit worried


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2006
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ive been really low for the last few months really cant be bothered and i know im snappy i wake up and dread the day ahead its sounds so awful i love my kids to bit all of them im just struggling i have no family in this country or anywhere nearby or even to chat to i have limited friends and even then i feel i cant really talk all the time cause i feel like they wont understand, my oh isnt very good at talking or supporting he doesnt even help me if i dont ask and the simplest things like putting a plate in the dishwasher or making dinner one night a week dont pop into his head. i just have this horrible sickly feeling as if im alone and ive put it going to the doctors off for so long as i feel they will look at me as if im crazy but i just feel like somethings got to make me feel better i just feel so crummy.

so in your opinion do anti depressants work or what do you do to help the blues as im at a loss, ive told my oh i feel bad but he doesnt understand
In my experince hun ( and i know everyone is different) talking helps, i lost someone very close to me and it turned my life upside now, never being a fan of drugs i spent 13 weeks talking to someone and i swear that helps, someone that has nothing to do with u and someone u can let everything out, that worked for m hun :hug:

Hope things get better hunny :hug: :hug:
hey hun,

i havent experianced how ur feeling my self but i have spent time talking to a number of friends in the past who are/have been feeling very low not due to babies and family life but due to other serious reasons. i cant say i know how ur feeling as im affraid i dont but i do have some idea.

if ud like to chat id be willing to chat to u via e-mail/yahoo/msn messanger what ever is easier for you. but id be happy to offer you friendly support via the web !! :)

but please dont feel pressurised in any way.

hope ur okay personal message me if ud like to chat in private.

Rhian and baby christopher :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i don't have any advise, just wanted to offer a hug :hug:
aww thanks for your replies i went in today i was sick to my stomach i dont really like talking about my problems i tried to hold back the tears but his questions made me blubber luckily he was really nice i thought for some reason i would have this horrible doctor tell me to get on with it and stop moaning lol but he was very understanding and has prescribed me citalopram he said they will work in about 3 - 4 weeks and hopefully i will feel a bit better have some more energy ive had a good day today done some shopping always good for the soul hopefully i will feel better soon. fingers crossed thank you so much for your replies i feel this is the only place i can rant and feel a little but understood xx :hug:
Hiya I have just seen your message, I have a 3 month old girl and have been taking antidepressants for just over 2 weeks (mirtazipine, not citalopram though). In my experience (have had them in the past) they do work BUT if there are underlying problems then medicine alone is not a cure, they just help you sleep/eat/look after yourself well enough to get whats bothering you sorted out. It sounds like you could do with a bit more support from your OH, does he know how you are feeling? Sometimes its hard to tell people how you feel though, eh? For your own sake though I think you need to have a good chat cos your baby/home etc isnt just your responsibility, you need a bit of time to yourself too, it will do you the world of good. Also a friend of mine has taken citalopram for PND since last may and she told me it worked really well for her so I hope its the same for you. PM me if you would like to talk about stuff, take care x :hug:
yeah i did ask about councelling but he said there is a big waiting list on the nhs he is putting me down for it i have talked to my oh but hes as supportive as he can be i think which isnt very much he says he just doesnt know what to say when i tell him how i feel and with the housework thing he works from early untill late he does help a little but he doesnt seem to understand why i should need help from him, he honestly i think he thinks im using depression as an exuse, :(

oh sweety! anytime you need a chat, feel free to pm :)

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