Hi birthday buddy!!!
The lady i saw on my birthday said that i would have 2 earth babies.
My great great aunt and uncle came through.... I had no idea who she was talking about.... She said "grandfather figure" and i thought theres no way it would be my dad's dad (he was a bit of a k**b apparantly) but she gave me the names George & Ethel......
When she said george, i knew there had to be a family connection in there, cos Grandad (mum's dad) is fredrick george.... She said about my PCOS, and that once i start losing weight i will get PG.
She went into other stuff, but i haven't re-listened to the tape since...
Anyways, on the Thursday 13th Uncle Chris was "up north" and he came for tea, and as he did Grandad's family tree for his 75th birthday he would be just the person to ask about George & Ethel. (Meg said to ask mum cos it was defo mum's family)
And U.Chris' jaw nearly hit the floor... knowing i hadn't seen the family tree, he was like thats Grandad's dad's brother and his wife Ethel... who was known as Dolly (cos she never went out without her make up!) And she was the black sheep of the family (which for our generation of family i am!)
I was amazed cos Meg said that Ethel watches over me, and she said "don't worry Hayley everything's on track"
And George said "stop worrying about your dad, he's doing ok"
You just can't make that up....!!!
(Dad had cancer in his jaw & toncils area, had his op last September)
Oh and Ethel said that she loved the wedding, we saved so much money, but everyone we wanted there, including in the spirit world, including my spirit angels!!! She said "more than we could've dreamt of were there"
That made me cry!!!