going to my sisters for a couple of days...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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me and hubby have desided that unless we do something we will split up and neither of us want to do that not realy.
my sister has kindly offered to tae me and thomas in from tomorrow afternoon tll monday morning just to give us a break from eachover.
we think our problems stem from having no family living near by so its just us and the fact thomas has some medical issues as you know which does make it harder as no1 else can feed him we have to do his last feed which yer is at 7pm but by the time we have got ready to go anywhere after that and actually got somewhere we are shattered and just wanna come home.
so anyways yer i may not be around much till monday hopefully this will work arron is going to see thomas everyday even though its a good 40 mins bus ride away from ours
wish us luck please that we manage to sort this out
Have a good break and rest up and decide while your away what you and your husband really want to do about your situation cos you cant carry on like this!
Good luck Manda :hug:

I am still jealous of your 7pm last feed. I'm about to do 11pm...
lol bless you she will be on 7pm feeds before long then you will miss the night feed
i really hope the break does you both well.

Babies are sent to test us.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope you manage to sort it out hun - have a good, chilled out weekend with Thomas and hopefully you two will sort it out!! :hug: take care x
awh hun i really hope you can work through it.. you agree'd through good times and bad.. and you havent been married that long.. both of you need to think aobut what you want and things that both of you can change or compramise to help each otehr out..its clear that theres issues going on.. i think that a break will do you great and hope you both realise what you will loose xxx
Good luck Manda :hug: I really hope this is the break you both need to become stronger as a couple :hug: x

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