Going back to work :-(


May 24, 2011
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My LO is now 8 weeks old and am now really starting to get down about going back to work, due back on 1st May when LO is only 15 weeks old .

Going back full time, dont get me wrong I love my job, dont want to let my boss down and NEED the money, but cannot bear the thought of leaving my LO,

My husband is going to be a SAHD as is unemployed, but its not that i dont trust him, its just he doesnt parent the way I do and my LO needs his mummy!!

Cant not go back as cant afford to pay mortgage/bills going to struggle like hell for last 4 weeks i'm off but REFUSE to go back earllier, only managing to pay bills as my grandad passed away and left us just enough to help out!! God rest his soul.

Could possibly scrape through on 4 days a week but both boss and hubby unhappy with that idea, and to be fair still dreading leaving LO that long!!

Have no option except go back full time or give up house / life and probably hubby, as he will go nuts at me (oh well) and move back in with my parents!!

Know what I;ve got to do, but tears me up inside, crying over it now thinking about it,

Can anyone give support on how it will get easier once I settle back into work!!

Homeworking, job share, etc is not viable, I'm just hoping over the net few weeks I will feel more corfortable leaving LO, but cant see it right now!

So worried that when I go back I will be a wreck and not do my job to its full potential and boss will be unhappy, I have a very stressful job also.

All I can say is hubby best pull his weight with the housework, as he mentioned a few weeks back about paying for a cleaner once a week to help him keep ontop of the house!!! Pffft.

I have done it all since LO was 3 weeks old, and ok the house is still a little messy, but LO has had stomach bug and cold, and has been so demanding!!

So concerned as hubby has history of depression and insomnia and can be very impatient when tired, LO is not sleeping through the night, (I get up with him at the moment, but wont when i back at work)

If he cant settle him after 5 mins he hands him back or lets hims scream, I cant do that!!!

My LO is my angel (even when screaming) and i cant imagine leaving him ever, I never thought I;d feel this way, please help!!!

It must be so hard for you. I was lucky enough to have a longer off than you. Hopefully though when you get to work although you will of course miss your lo you will enjoy your time at work too. Suggest that over the next few weeks you start making your oh do more so you are more confident he can parent and in a way you both agree. You should also try leaving him for few hours with oh so you are not facing leaving him and going back to work for first time at same time. You also need to be clear between you what household responsibilities each will have. I agree he'd should do everything but that's not likely to happen. Perhaps you could do online food shop over lunch at work? Finally I know it's hard but having left my eldest with my oh one day a week abd half day with in laws, I had yo learn to accept that although they didn't do everything the same as me their way wasnt wrong just different. It's hard as for the first few months so know every minute of their day abd control that abd losing that control I fou x difficult. I am sure it will be fine though. You and lo wil both be ok
I went back when Owen was 6 weeks old :( it was a new job I had to start in sept and I had to have some income. It's got easier tho x
Could you get hubby to go to work instead and you be a stay at home mum or part time round his hours?
My hubby did stay at home dad for about 2 years and to be honest , what he did I could write on a stamp!!
He does nothing now, but thats ok, I'm the stay at home mum at the momemt, but I thought hed get better , but he didn't!!

Havng said that, it might feel hard at first , but after a couple of weeks, you adjust fine and enjoy being back on the plannet that doesn't talk about babies all day long, you can get a cuppa when ever you like, go to the staff shop when you want, look nice all day and not baby gunkish! and generally it will be fine XX Let us know how you get on
IT gets easier, I think whenever you go back its extremely hard but at least your lo will be with someone he knows and is used to. :hug:

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