God Ive missed PF soooo much!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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Im back on it now with avengence.

Been so consumed with being out n about not had chance once home for a good catch up m missed u all!!!

Plus - Ive decided to only go out n about twice a week - Mondays n Fridays - as I dont particulary like Austin sleeping in his car seat / car etc at random times and to fit around my friends babies.

Does anyone know what I mean - I mean im all for going to ppls houses - but this week it dawned on me I always seem to be doing the running around n just because Austin is a a happy 'portable' baby who goes with the flow - he ends up sleeping in another babeis cot / bed.


2 days is enough. Oh n hour swimming on Tuesday with me n my MIL.

Big love to all - cnt wait to catch up properly. The laptop is staying firmly - OUT!!

:yay: missed u here! Henry is quite a portable baby too & we r always visiting ppl cos I hate being in all day but I'm starting to cut down on the number of days we r out all day & get a routine started.

How's little Austin now?
Nice to see you back GG... Hope you're both well! :) xx
yay welcome back, we missed you. glad to see you and austin are doing well. i know what you mean about having to go visit other ppl grr. theyre just lazy i reckon
Austin is fab Carly - Im actually addicted to him - lol.

Hows our lil Henry - whats new with you guys? From what I can see on catch up - did he have abit of a weight stall? Glad hes gaining again :)

My friends are worried about who will miss who the most when I go back to work - probobly me missing A:(

Just really enjoying it - Think im going for 2 days out n about - 2 days with hubby n 3 days mummy n Austin.

Im 6lbs of my pre pregnancy weight - but its tough shifting it - especially when I get to the point of starving n there is no food ready so have to grab stuff alot of the time....boooo.

Austin not rolling yet - but giving it a good try n we have tummy time most mornings.

Cant wait to get stuck into all the goss on here again now ...woooooo x
Ooo I'm upping my trips out Tyler doesn't have a rigid routine. I try and keep to his 9, 12 and 3 feeds but if they are out its no biggy I'm not fussed. Glad things are going well for you!

The feeds out is fine hun - its just that I dont like him napping willy nilly in the car etc - swear its not proper sleep n I read he shoud be having 2 2-3 hr naps at his age n theres no chance of that in the car seat lol xxx
I think Tyler's had 2, 2 hour naps in his life!! Generally they are between 40- 1 hour 1/2

ha yeah I agree - hes had a bout 2 2 hour naps , one the other day n one abt a mnth ago.

Generally 1hour ish these days xx

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