god im such a girly girl....


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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or not,...this is how i enjoy the sun :lol:


OMG.... I wouldnt have a clue where to start under a car!! I can check all the stuff under the bonnet for oil, water etc..... but anything other than that, hubby or the garage does!!
I wouldn't know where to start either not even what to do under the bonnet! I dont drive so if anything does go wrong with our car its my partners fault lol!
cloud9 said:
I complain if I have to put fuel in the car :rotfl:

Me too but thankfully I don't ever have to do it....I love Saturday mornings it's always filled right back up for me so I never have to bother!! :D
I'm the same - me and OH argue over who gets to make up flat-packs, I love it, and power tools :oops: Used to love being covered top to toe in mud when I dug for a living, so much fun. Still at least I get to be covered in baby poo now, so it's not tooo different lol.
SarahH said:
OMG.... I wouldnt have a clue where to start under a car!! I can check all the stuff under the bonnet for oil, water etc..... but anything other than that, hubby or the garage does!!

hehe i cant even do that lol
hahahahah bless...sparky good use of an engine crane :P!? haha
i love working on cars!!!!!!!!!!!

i used to do mini racing :dance:
i used to love working on cars too!
when i had my mini i was always under the bonnet tivkering about.
hahaha steph ! :P

mini's rock!! but not the new ones :puke:
i didn't like the news one but they have somehow grown on me.

i had a beetle too and i loved that. i like the new ones too and ive always wanted a camper van
Hehe :lol: I wouldn't know where to start either...

....I'm like Cloud, don't even like filling the car up (but its diesel too which I always end up getting all over my hand!!)......the last time I tried to fill the car up I couldn't work out how to open the petrol cap (I'd locked the car and hadn't managed to work out that that locked the petrol cap) - I'm pathetic when it comes to cars :oops:
mine was an old one to!!!

i will try to get pics (ive still got it :oops: i cant part with it )

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