adult party games


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2006
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Need some ideas for a girly party im having, we are having a pamper night and drinks, anyone got ideas for some really funny games, can be dirty or not :rotfl:
I like the "I have never" drinking game.

Take it in turns to say something you've never done, like "I have never...been caught having sex" and whoever HAS been caught having sex has to have a drink. There are loads of things you can say, never been arrested, never had a one night stand, never faked it etc etc :lol:
Urchin said:
I like the "I have never" drinking game.

Take it in turns to say something you've never done, like "I have never...been caught having sex" and whoever HAS been caught having sex has to have a drink. There are loads of things you can say, never been arrested, never had a one night stand, never faked it etc etc :lol:

Like it :D
I'll play that :D

Don't see whats wrong with my Scrabble's deluxe you know :rotfl:
Or trivial persuite, whats with all the smutt these days :wink:
:shock: Gosh Mid I always thought you were so horny cos you were pregnant but it must be a permenant state of mind

:rotfl: :rotfl:
get a large bowl and ask each couple to put their keys in it...

oops wrong forum!! he he

Twister is ace with pissed grown ups!
sparky said:
get a large bowl and ask each couple to put their keys in it...

is that the one where u swap partners :lol: :lol:
Urchin said:
I like the "I have never" drinking game.

Take it in turns to say something you've never done, like "I have never...been caught having sex" and whoever HAS been caught having sex has to have a drink. There are loads of things you can say, never been arrested, never had a one night stand, never faked it etc etc :lol:

good game but be careful who you play it with- its gone a bit wrong
with me a few times- i.e played it with my ex who i'm mates with and
OH and someone said "i've never slept with someone at this table"
also i regretted playing it with my sister- er tmi thanks sis!! lol
My god minda, u are a dirty cow, i thought monster_munch was bad threatening to wop her tit out in 3rd tri but i was blatently wrong, u win :clap:
oh yeah forgot to post my actual suggestion :oops: :oops:

you could play drink while you think- someone starts by saying a celebrity name
ie kylie minogue, the next person has to say a celebrity whos name
begins with the last name of the previous persons answer so it would be M
but you have to keep drinking until you think of someone-
no repeats allowed or u have to down your drink and if you use a double of the same letter ie marilyn manson you change direction so it goes back to the last person!

always fun and ges u nice and tipsy :)
the willy game - cut out 26 basic willy shapes from coloured paper and put a letter of the alphabet on each - pick them at random and whoever shouts out a rude word starting with that letter wins that willy - the winner is the person with the most willies at the end (btw x=xrated, and good luck with y??)

sit in a circle (floor or chairs) someone calls out something (similar to I have never) everyone who has done that thing moves one place to the left - sitting in front or on the knee of the person in that chair if they don't move. Continue and the first person to get back to their own chair is the "dirtiest girl" :wink: as they've done the most.
Emma if u bring ur scrabble u will have to kiss Paul!!!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

some great ideas I cant wait woohoo

Thanks ladies :hug:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

You're just scared I win- but ok i'll leave it at home :(
Set up a game of charades - with everyone but one person in on the joke. While someone is out of the room (in the loo or something) tell everyone else that you are going to pretend to play charades, that the person who is not there will be given 'sperm whale' to act out and they must NOT guess that. So when you play, the victim is given a bit of paper saying sperm whale but no one will guess that and they will have to get very creative to try to get everyone to guess correctly :rotfl:
kalia said:
Set up a game of charades - with everyone but one person in on the joke. While someone is out of the room (in the loo or something) tell everyone else that you are going to pretend to play charades, that the person who is not there will be given 'sperm whale' to act out and they must NOT guess that. So when you play, the victim is given a bit of paper saying sperm whale but no one will guess that and they will have to get very creative to try to get everyone to guess correctly :rotfl:

PMSL :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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