Glad am not alone!


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2008
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Hi everyone,
Just signed up on this site today as found out I was pregnant last week... A bit of a surprise as was trying the low risk method and stuffed it right up!! Anyway am 6-7 weeks (I think) so due in the 1st week of April. Is all quite new and obviously not making it public until 12 weeks so really, really relieved to have stumbled on this site as you've all answered loads of my questions and concerns!! Am pretty much getting all of the lovely symptoms except throwing up at the mo. God it's glamourous isn't it???
So just to say "hi all" and maybe hope to be of some help as you already have to me! Thanks :)
huge congrats hun and welcome to first tri :wave:

everyone is so lovely here any problems or question then just ask anyway

wish you a happy and healthy 9 months :hug: :hug:
Hi Tracey,

Thanks and same to you :angel:

Consolations for little Chloe... Wish you all the best this time round.

When is your due date?

(Just realised that in my message wouldn't have made sense as I meant low risk time of month method - ooops an example of pregnant braindeadness!! You get the same problem??)
Hiya timtam and welcome to the site, I dont know where I would be without the girls here to be honest.... :lol: at the pregnancy brain, mines shocking, looks like your due about the same time as me hun!!

anyway anything ya wanna know or ask just ask away, everyone on here is such a great help!!

look forward to getting to know you xx
hya :wave:

welcome a happy and healthy 9months to you :hug:
:wave: :wave: timtam. Congrats!

The low risk method is when you dont stuff it right up :rotfl:
are you australian by any chance? timtams are australian biscuits. :) :)
Thanks for all the warm welcomes :)

Hollyhobby - Ha ha! Yeah think my wording had a bit of a hidden meaning without realising!!!! :lol:

Am not Aussie but was my nickname when I lived there. I would kill to eat on of those right now though!
timtam, it's me i'm always looking for inuendos ( inuendo is an inuendo in itself :lol: )

i think you can buy timtams in Morrisons!
sorry just seen your message aftyer mine been off for couple days

im due 6th april :hug: :hug:

dont worry bout the preg brain mine is like that too lol :hug: :hug:
Hi :wave:
I'm due some time in April too so will be with ya all the way!!

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