Given up


Jun 6, 2011
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Right that it I have given up for this month. I am 10 days late and done 4 tests all negative. I'll just take it it hasn't worked this ninth and I'm just late xx
:hug: Hope your ok.

I've given up too, I'm past counting how many days late I am, never mind how many tests I've done and BFN's I've seen :(
Yeah I'm ok. I'm sure it will happen for us. It's just depressing isn't it. If I'm not pregnant wish my period would come so I can try again :0(
Oh girls i feel your pain! I was 5weeks late on my period last time.. I went the doctor and he prescribed provera (to induce a period) AF finally arrived 16 days after my last tablet! You just want it to arrive so you can get back to TTC.. Hope the witch arrives soon for use x
Its very depressing :(
I now have all the symptoms of AF and no AF!
Me too, I'm late too and on cd 37. Haven't tested for 3 days but not going to test again x
I said that 2 but look at me wrecking the head off myself lol I really need to be committed :looped:
I'm definitely done with testing. I poas this morning and have none in the house now.
I have a 33 day cycle and I'm now 19 days late :looped: HELP!!
Go now hunnie, you're late enough, I'd go asap if it was me x
Im guessing your like me and only go to the docs if your limbs are falling off and your growing a willy?
I hate going i really hate it thats why i havent gone yet and i know i should have xxxx
I'm going to go next week If mine doesn't show, it just not like me been are at all xx

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