Girls Names Opinions


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Well popping my head in now we've had girl confirmed (hope they are right ha ha) Hubby and I agreed on boys names but cant seem to agree on girls. He doesnt really like anything!! Our surname is Davis so what do you think of these?

I love:
Amelia (he hates it) but doesnt mind Amelie (which some people keep asking if its really a name)
Alexandra (my mum especially loves this) OH only likes Alex
Ella (we both agree but not sure if common now)
Grace (again more common)
Darcy (but does Darcy Davis sound weird with all the d's)
He likes Taylor, Ashley and Lexi which I think are all way too american and are no no's for me!!

Any other ideas? x
Amelie is lovely. Sounds classic but not common and goes well with surname :)
How the hell do I convince OH!! Sounds like we have the same issues with the men! ha :)
How about Alexis? Just thinking to bridge the Alex/ lexi argument. I have a friend in her late 20's called Alexis and some people call her Lexi for short. I love it! Would consider it myself but SIL is Alexandra so a bit too close! X
Amelia is my favourite.
I think Darcy Davies sounds fine x
Darcy sounds fine with the two D's and is my fav , all your names are very pretty, amelia is really very popular tho
Yeah I do think Amelia I becoming more and more used. We both quite like Elena and Adeline too but are these more American?

I quite alexis but it reminds me of dynasty or the colbys or something (80s American shows ha ha)

I quite like estelle as unusual but hubby doesn't

Thanks for all the opinions x
Oooh hun I just saw this thread. Again, so excited you're having a girlie! Love your names, faves for me are Elena and Estelle. I prefer Emily to Amelie but that's just me. I have quite traditional tastes in names so won't share my faves as may not be to your taste. It's hard agreeing on something you both love! There are so many beautiful girl names, you are spoiled for choice. Out of interest what were your boys names? xxx
I love the name Darcy! And the two D's sound fine :) I love Ella too - it was on my list :)
Thanks ladies its so bloomin hard! My fave is still Amelia but conscious how common it is!! I must admit I do like Darcy or Darcie but not sure if thats getting common too.

Kay kay - Our fave boys names were Harvey, Austin, and Mason I also liked Miles and Blake which hubby didnt! x
My boys are Jack & Harry Davis! :)

Me personally wouldn't use a D name but thats just me, if you like it then go for it. From your list I like Amelie the best x
Kay kay - Our fave boys names were Harvey, Austin, and Mason I also liked Miles and Blake which hubby didnt! x

Nice boys names! Maybe you'll get to use one of them next time hehe ;-)
I love Amelia, I don't even care that it's becoming more common! If you like a name, don't let anything put you off.

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