Girls name


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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HI guys

Me and jase always joke about and sugest names to each other for when we have our future baby.

We have decided on a boys name but not a girls.

I came up with a name the other day which im in love with, but Jase hates it lol

What do you think?

Peach :D

:? could get used to it, but that celeb got loads of stick for having "apple" :?
not to sure on that one hun may grow on me tho
wots ur boys name
lol yeah true, i just like it on the film face off when he calls the girl his little peach, thought it was nice.

I also love the name Jet, but again, its a no no lol :(

Peach is also Mario's girlfriend in the Nintendo games!

But its still pretty :eek:)

Layla, that's so funny...I have known my closest friend, Emma, since I was born and when we were about six, we started to call each other Peach and still remain Peach to this day!
She's just had twins and she's said she's going to train them to call me Aunty Peach!
I think it's a sweet name but then I'm biased!
L x
glad someone likes it! hehe

I also like Purdy, but not allowed that either lol, i have come up with loads of names and its no no no no no for all of them lol.

Sarah - the boys name is Nate.

layla you do make me giggle, i like the way you like unusual names.
your fellamust have his hands full with you lol. kris used to go made as all the names i like sound like greasy kebab shop workers (his words)
Rio, Rico, Milan

all of them you have ever came out with are nice but not purdy, sounds just like Dior when she trys to say birdy :lol:
I love the name Rio! i did sugest that but that was a no too lol

I read somewhere that Peaches Geldof hates her name so I'd think about what your little girl would think when she is older. :D

Hope Isaac likes his name :roll:

Lou :)

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