girl or boy?!!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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When i had my 20week scan my little baby was a little shy when it came to showing their bits :oops:

The scanning man said as they could not see anything down there its a girl. However after talking to my friend she was told a similar thing and painted the room pink brought everything in pink and OH 'it's a boy' the midwife said four months later!! :rotfl:

Should i stop buying everything in pink until my 28week 4d scan?!
I would wait too especially as the baby was being shy.... I was always told that in scans its either definitely a boy or probably a girl... although thats probably getting narrower now... buy things in a neutral colour... You can put a girl in blue but you can't put a boy in pink.
We were told we are having a girl, the sonographer said - ooh yes & your having a little girl.

I was over the moon - was convinced we were having a boy so it was such a surprise.

I have bought quite alot of pink & girly things but am leaving the tags on until our 4D scan just to make sure - LOL

We have done the nursery is neutral (Millie & Boris range from Mama's & Papa's).
i paid £79 for a private scan yest, it was fantastic, def worth it if your not sure, they dont rush you like the hosp do, scanned me for 45 minutes showing me everything! had all the time in the world for me, and said she wouldnt tell me if she wasnt positive. she even printed off pic of genitals o show me, just three little white lines for a girl, (labia) she said you must never assume its a girl just if you havent seen a willy, you Must see the three lines to confirm/ x
Squiglet said:
I would wait too especially as the baby was being shy.... I was always told that in scans its either definitely a boy or probably a girl... although thats probably getting narrower now... buy things in a neutral colour... You can put a girl in blue but you can't put a boy in pink.

If thats the case then maybe a few of us who are preparing for a girl may get a little shock!!

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