Girl or Boy...


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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...has anyone got any preferences? I got asked this the other day and i thought it would make a great thread for us tri-1 ladies to talk about :)

I would love either aslong as i have a healthy little baby at the end of our journey x x

I really don't mind either as long as I get a girl at some stage!!!
I feel exactly the same. The only thing for me is that I come from a family of 5 girls so would be a little scared bringing a boy up as I do not completely understand them... probably the same even if you had brothers...

My sister had a boy and seems to handle it so am sure I will be fine...

My husbands mum would love a boy as she only have grand daughters and she is so into sport and everything.....

I am just happy to be pregnant and whatever it comes out as I am happy as long as it is healthy... :-)
I don't mind what I have really, but I would love a little girl x However, wouldn't be disappointed at all if it was a boy x
Either/or for me.

I've always wanted a little girl but I'm steering towards a little boy now as the OH already has a daughter so I'd like to give him his first little boy

I'd be very happy to have either although it would be amazing to have a girl so we had one of each as we already have a boy and we are stopping at 2. Plus, he is a really gentle, sensitive and calm boy and gets on much better with girls - all his best friends at school are girls.

I guess I'm secretly hoping we have managed it as we last BDed on CD14 and I didn't get a positive OPK til CD16 so I'm thinking along the theory that if girl sperms are slower but last longer then we may just have done it!!
I don't mind either way, my hubby would like a girl though.
I was going to say a little girl but it seems everyone wants a girl! Wheres the love for a little boy?! So for the sake of this I'd love a little boy too :) xxx

Like M2A says as long as it's healthy I'm happy.
well when I was younger I always thought I would want a girl... before I met my husband :) Now I think that a little baby version of my hubby would be sooo sweet :)

So I would like either :) I'm sure if I'll find out I'm having a girl, I will feel that I always wanted a girl! And Iif I'm having a boy, I will think that of course boys are the best :)
I don't think I have a start off with I wanted a girl, just because I think I could relate to it better and I have a good relationship with my own mum and would love to have that with a daughter, but now I can see that a little boy would be just as amazing, especially to see him with my OH! One of each would be ideal....eventually! But for now I will just be grateful to have a healthy happy bubba, whether it be a girl or a boy! Fingers crossed all in cooking well inside :-)
iv got a little boy so would love a girl but oh and alfie want a boy and are so adement its a boy!!
as long as its a baby (lol) and its healthy and has all its fingers and toes ill be happy :) :)
Although I love the idea of a girl and all those pretty little dresses, I want a boy and I've always wanted to have boys.
I come from a family of girls and at a very early age decided I wanted 3 boys, I'm now 33 and only on the first but it still stands I want boys all the way lol
Well when we first thought about trying for a baby last year I always thought I wanted a girl, like mum2b said I have a great relationship with my mum and I'm very girly so love the thought of having a little girl I can dress up! Then after my MC last year and a few scares this time I think I would be just so grateful for whatever I have as long as it's healthy ~ I also have an inkling we're expecting a boy as this one was conceived dead on when I ovulated. So possibly team blue for us! x x
I don't get this thing about ovulating and knowing if it's a boy or girl because of the timing. What's that all about? xxx
I don't get this thing about ovulating and knowing if it's a boy or girl because of the timing. What's that all about? xxx

Male sperm are meant to be faster but die quickly whereas girl sperm hang around a lot longer. So if you have sex the day you ovulate there is supposed to be more chance of a boy but if you have sex a couple of days before you ovulate there is more chance it's just girl sperm hanging about to meet the egg. Not sure there's any proof in this theory though! I've haven't a clue when I ovulated to can't use that method, plus if your having sex every day you can't really guess either!
I know I'm not tri 1 so hope you don't mind me jumping in :) I really wanted a girl as I don't really know much about boys! But I'm having a boy! Still very happy and will love just the same and will have to learn about boys now hehe!! But aslong as baby is healthy and happy -im happy!! Guess I better learn to love footy!! Xx

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